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ACM SUI 2022 : ACM Symposium on Spatial User Interaction (SUI) 2022


When Dec 1, 2022 - Dec 2, 2022
Where Virtual
Submission Deadline Aug 8, 2022
Notification Due Sep 21, 2022
Final Version Due Oct 14, 2022

Call For Papers

Call for Papers: ACM Symposium on Spatial User Interaction (SUI) 2022

Virtual Conference, December 1-2, 2022 (

*** Paper submissions due August 8, 2022 (23:59 AoE)

We invite you to participate in the ACM Symposium on Spatial User Interaction 2022 (SUI). SUI will be held December 1-2, 2022 (virtually). We seek original, unpublished papers documenting research contributions, practice and experience, or systems and novel applications, from all areas of spatial user interaction. User interface evaluations are strongly encouraged for every publication in this venue. Specific topics of interest include:
Spatial interaction techniques
Spatial user interface metaphors
Spatial input devices and technology
Interaction in mixed, augmented, and virtual reality
Evaluation methods for spatial user interaction
Collaborative interaction in 3D space
Design and user experience (UX) for spatial user interaction
Applications of human spatial perception to interaction
Adaptive and perceptual-inspired spatial user interaction
Applications of spatial UIs, such as games, entertainment, CAD, education
Gesture-based spatial interaction
Tangible spatial user interaction
Multi-touch technologies for spatial user interaction
Desktop interfaces for spatial interaction
Multisensory and other novel forms of spatial user interaction
System Contributions - We invite many types of research contributions, including interactive systems. However, evaluating systems that are built using existing techniques can be difficult. For example, a system can be built using a known machine learning technique but it can enable entirely new functionality. In this case, reviewers will need to judge the novelty of the new functionality that the system enables without penalizing the work for leveraging an existing technique. For reference, here’s a paper about evaluating interactive systems that reviewers and authors may want to familiarize themselves with: James Fogarty (2017): Code and Contribution in Interactive Systems Research (

Important Dates

All deadlines are 23:59 AoE.
Submission deadline: 8 August 2022
Notification: 21 September 2022
Camera Ready: 14 October 2022

Submission Instructions

The symposium invites full and short paper submissions. Papers are of variable length, which should match the level of detail of description for the research contribution.
Full papers (normally 8 pages, maximum 10; excluding references) should describe research or design work within the scope of spatial user interaction.
Short papers (up to 4 pages; excluding references) should address the same topic, but may include preliminary results or conceptual ideas.
For submission, please follow these instructions:
Submissions must not be previously published or accepted for publication elsewhere and must not be under review by any other publication venue during SUI 2022’s reviewing period. Double submissions will be desk-rejected without review. In doubt, contact the program chairs or include a properly anonymized version of the competitive manuscript as supplementary materials.

All submissions should be prepared in the ACM SIG Proceedings format ( For the Latex version, please use the sigconf template. We accept submissions in either dual-column or single-column ACM format; the page limits above are stated in dual-column format.

Submitted papers must be anonymous for the double blind reviewing process. We strongly encourage you to not anonymize citations to your own works. These should not be omitted, but referenced in 3rd person. For example, you can write "In a study by Jones et al. [1]..." and reference your own paper, instead of "In my previous work [1]...", with the reference listed as "[1] Blank for review."

Highly relevant references to accepted, but still unavailable (i.e., "in press") publications may be used, but should be included with author’s permission as supplementary materials. These also must be anonymized!

Submissions must be made through the online submission system. Please specify the following submission options:
Society: SIGCHI, Conference/Journal: SUI 2022, Track: SUI 2022 Papers

When designing and presenting user evaluations, please consider the following:
User interface evaluations using non-representative or homogeneous participant populations can lead to biased results and inaccurate conclusions.

When performing user experiments, researchers should strive to use samples that are representative of the population for which the technology is being designed.
If non-representative samples are not possible to collect, the limitations of the population studied should be clearly discussed within the paper.
If non-representative samples are not possible to collect, care must be taken when making claims about the work.

When reporting on user studies participant demographic information must be included so that future researchers understand the results based on the population studied.


Accepted work will be archived in the ACM Digital Library, and will be provided as open-access for the first month following the symposium. Please note that at least one author of each accepted submission will be required to register to present at the symposium. If no author is registered by the early registration deadline, the accepted work will be withdrawn from the proceedings and digital libraries.

Please be informed of the following messages from ACM:
By submitting your article to an ACM Publication, you are hereby acknowledging that you and your co-authors are subject to all ACM Publications Policies, including ACM's new Publications Policy on Research Involving Human Participants and Subjects. Alleged violations of this policy or any ACM Publications Policy will be investigated by ACM and may result in a full retraction of your paper, in addition to other potential penalties, as per ACM Publications Policy.

Please ensure that you and your co-authors obtain an ORCID ID, so you can complete the publishing process for your accepted paper. ACM has been involved in ORCID from the start and we have recently made a commitment to collect ORCID IDs from all of our published authors. The collection process has started and will roll out as a requirement throughout 2022. We are committed to improve author discoverability, ensure proper attribution and contribute to ongoing community efforts around name normalization; your ORCID ID will help in these efforts.

Please visit for the most up-to-date submission instructions and deadlines.


Questions should be directed to the SUI 2022 Program Chair through email:
Tabitha Peck, Davidson College, USA
Thammathip Piumsomboon, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Benjamin Weyers, University of Trier, Germany
Best regards,
Tabitha, Tham, and Benni

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