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IEEE AIVR 2022 : International Conference on Artificial Intelligence & Virtual Reality


When Dec 12, 2022 - Dec 14, 2022
Where Virtual
Submission Deadline Oct 1, 2022
Categories    AI   VR   AR   MR

Call For Papers

IEEE AIVR is a unique event, addressing researchers and industries from all areas of AI as well as Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality. It provides an international forum for the exchange between those fields, to present advances in the state of the art, identify emerging research topics, and together define the future of these exciting research domains.

=== AREAS OF INTEREST ==========

We invite researchers from Virtual (VR), as well as Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR) to participate and submit their work to the program. Likewise, any work on AI that has a relation to any of these fields or potential for the usage in any of them is welcome. Areas of interest for the technical program include but are not limited to:

+ Systems, incl. techniques, performance, implementation
+ Content creation and modelling
+ Cognitive aspects, perception, user behaviour
+ AI technologies for VR/AR
+ Interactions, interactive & responsive environments
+ Applications and use cases
+ Ethical & societal aspects of AI and VR/AR

=== SUBMISSIONS ==========

For 2022, we are welcoming submissions for the following tracks:

o Technical paper track (deadline: Sep 2, 2022)
(4-8 pages, focus on new and innovative research in AR/VR and AI)
o Poster and work-in-progress tack (deadline: Sep 2, 2022)
(2-4 pages, focus on initial ideas, pilot studies, work in progress)
o Industry track (deadline: Sep 2, 2022)
(2-4 pages, focus on work with clear relevance for industry)
o Demos and videos track (deadline: Sep 2, 2022)
(2 pages, focus on prototypes, new solutions, innovative usages)
o Special sessions track (deadline: Oct 1, 2022)
(4-8 pages, focus on "AI for VR/AR" and "VR/AR for AI)
o Late-breaking-results track (deadline: Oct 1, 2022)
(2-4 pages, focus on latest work, including preliminary results)

Accepted papers in all of these tracks will be archived in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.


Due to various requests, the submission deadline has been extended till September 2, 2022. This extension is final.

+ September 2, 2022: Submission deadline for papers, posters, demos
+ October 1, 2022: Submission deadline for special sessions, late-breaking-results
+ Early-to-mid October 2022: Acceptance notifications for papers, posters, demos
+ Mid-to-late October 2022: Acceptance notifications for papers, posters, demos
+ November 1 2022: Camera ready versions due (all tracks)

For submission details please refer to the conference's website at

=== VENUE & DATES ==========

The conference will take place from Dec 12-14, 2022. Due to the ongoing COVID pandemic and expected travel restrictions, the event will be held virtually. If feasible, it will be complemented with on-location satellite events (ideally at least one in the US, Europe, and Asia). Details about these satellite events will be posted on the website over the summer.

Related Resources

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AIVR--EI 2025   2025 9th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality (AIVR 2025)
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