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When Jun 6, 2022 - Aug 31, 2022
Where Brazil
Submission Deadline Aug 31, 2022
Categories    linguistic   multimodality   language

Call For Papers

Entrepalavras (Quailis CAPES B1-2016), a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to Linguistics (Federal University of Ceara-Brazil), invites researchers to submit their paper to its special issue “Multimodality in social practices”. More details can be found below and on the journal’s website ( There is no charge for submission and publication fees.

Guest Editors: Dr. Paulo Gonçalves Segundo (USP); Dr Rosalice Pinto (Universidade Nova de Lisboa) and Dr. Isabel Muniz (UFAL).

Theme: Multimodality in social practices

There is a consensus that the use of multisemiosis, according to different theoretical approaches (KRESS and van LEEUWEN, 2006; ELIAS, 2016; CARVALHO, 2020; MACAGNO and PINTO, 2021), in many human activities, has been occupying an increasingly important place in the various researches related to such theme, as well as in the various professional and social practices in which it is found. In fact, this can get even more complex in regards to the new challenges imposed by new digital technologies and the different ways of interacting. In this context, textual-discursive aspects can come to materialize, assuming great relevance. Thus, considering the relevance of this topic in the current studies of Language Sciences, Entrepalavras invites researchers, scholars, and professors to submit unpublished contributions in the various areas of language studies and other related areas of knowledge, to be published on its thematic issue: Multimodality in Social Practices. This issue aims to disseminate articles and research that focus on the various textual-discursive studies dealing with multimodality in its various social manifestations.


Submission deadline: August 31, 2022.

Publication: December, 2022.

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