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SS-ICONIP 2022 : ICONIP Special Session on Advances in Deep Learning for Biometrics and Forensics


When Nov 22, 2022 - Nov 26, 2022
Where New Delhi, India (hybrid mode)
Submission Deadline Jun 15, 2022
Notification Due Aug 15, 2022
Categories    biometrics   forensics   artificial intelligence   deep learning

Call For Papers

Special Session on Advances in Deep Learning for Biometrics and Forensics

The 29th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP 2022)
November 22-26, 2022, New Delhi, India (hybrid mode)

Scope and Aim

The biometric is a growing technology due to the needs of the society, companies and governments for recognition, security and privacy concerns. It has also become a growing research area that offers greater security and convenience solutions for various applications in biometrics and forensics areas.

Methods and algorithms from data science are widely explored and used to address several problems in many fields such as biometrics and forensics. In this context, the advances in artificial intelligence, in particular in feature engineering and deep learning, have allowed to resolve various complex problems related to recognition, detection, control, security, forensic identification, etc.

Indeed, most of biometric systems are based on a typical representation, including biometric data preprocessing, feature extraction, and classification parts. Deep learning offers an end-to-end learning paradigm allowing to unify these parts. It has been shown to be a promising and powerful alternative to conventional approaches based on machine learning.

This special session aims to bring together researchers, scientists and industry professionals interested in biometrics and forensic, to present and discuss their recent advanced algorithms and methods in deep learning for biometrics and its applications.


The main topics that are of interest to this special session include, but are not limited to, the following:

- Deep learning for biometrics and/or forensics
- Biometric recognition (authentication and identification)
- Physiological and behavioral biometrics (e.g., fingerprint, palmprint, palm vein, face, iris, ear, gait, voice, etc.)
- Soft biometrics
- Multimodal biometrics
- Big Data challenges in biometrics
- Attacks to biometric systems
- Security and privacy in biometrics
- Forensic identification
- Emerging biometrics

- Related applications

Important Dates

- Paper submission deadline: June 15, 2022
- Paper acceptance notification: August 15, 2022
- Conference: November 22-26, 2022 – New Delhi, India

Submission Guidelines

Papers submitted to this Special Session are reviewed according to the same rules as the submissions to the regular sessions of ICONIP 2022. Authors who submit papers to this session are invited to mention it in the form during the submission. Submissions to regular and special sessions follow identical format, instructions, deadlines and procedures of the other papers. Click here to information paper submission: Please, for further information and news refer to the ICONIP website:


Larbi Boubchir, Full Professor, LIASD research Lab., University of Paris 8, France (contact:

Boubaker Daachi, Full Professor, LIASD research Lab., University of Paris 8, France

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