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ITQM-SCODM 2022 : ITQM - Soft Computing and Optimization for Decision-Making


When Dec 9, 2022 - Dec 11, 2022
Where Beijing, China
Submission Deadline Aug 15, 2022
Final Version Due Sep 15, 2022
Categories    soft computing   fuzzy logic   multi-criteria decision making   multi-objective optimization

Call For Papers

The Ninth International Conference on Information Technology and Quantitative Management (ITQM 2022) is one of the conference series organized by International Academy of Information Technology and Quantitative Management (IAITQM)

Special Session 06: Soft Computing and Optimization for Decision-Making

Session Chairs:
- Prof. Bogdana Stanojević, Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Serbia,
- Prof. Boris Delibašić, University of Belgrade, Serbia,

We cordially invite papers addressing new methods and applications in the areas of soft computing and optimization methods. Despite the prevalent use of fully automated machine learning methods, expert-based methods and their combination with machine learning methods still play an important role in decision-making as they try to bind two worlds in decision-making, the expert based and the data based.

With soft computing methods and tools one can exploit domain knowledge about the problem at hand, model uncertainty, and imprecision in measurements robustly and with low computation cost. By doing this one enhances the context of the decision-making process and offers comprehensiveness (greater interpretability and explainability) of the decision being made.

This session aims to present state-of-the-art research on soft computing and optimization, and its application to either expert- or algorithmic-based decision making. Having this in mind, we solicit submissions in all aspects of soft computing and optimization for decision-making, from mathematical foundations of soft computing and optimization for decision-making, novel approaches and methods, and its applications for business purposes or for proposing solutions for social problems.

Topics of interest in this session are presented in the following non-exhaustive list:
- Soft computing;
- Fuzzy logic, fuzzy sets and systems and their extensions;
- Fuzzy decision-making and decision support systems;
- Fuzzy optimization;
- Optimization methods and applications for decision-making;
- Multi-criteria decision-making;
- Soft computing and optimization in data mining and machine learning;
- Soft computing and optimization for social good;
- Multi-objective optimization;
- Mathematical theory for modeling uncertainty;
- Decision making under uncertainty;
- Approximate reasoning, and others.

Related Resources

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