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SAMLA 2022 : White Supremacist Revisions of the American Narrative


When Nov 11, 2022 - Nov 13, 2022
Where Jacksonville, Fl.
Submission Deadline Jul 10, 2022
Categories    american studies   race & ethnicity   cultural studies

Call For Papers

White Supremacist Revisions of the American Narrative

National narratives are iterative projects that can never quite arrive at the truth, and public understandings of American history and culture have always been destabilized by white supremacist perspectives and the misappropriation of information. As white supremacist voices are (re)mainstreamed and elevated, the fracturing of the American text only accelerates. In keeping with this year's SAMLA conference theme of "Change," this session invites submissions related to the ways white supremacist and ethno-nationalist ideologues attempt to overwrite, erase, or reinterpret some component of the American narrative.

Depending on the level of response, priority will be given to relatively recent or ongoing activity. Consideration of the roles of academic research, journalism, and other forms of public discourse in countering these textual revisions is especially welcome. By July 10, please submit an abstract of 250 words, a brief bio, and any A/V or scheduling requests to Laura Jeffries, Florida State College at Jacksonville, at

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