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#ZagrebLawofObligations 2022 : 2nd Zagreb International Conference on the Law of Obligations


When Sep 28, 2022 - Sep 30, 2022
Where Zagreb, Croatia
Submission Deadline Jun 30, 2022
Notification Due Jul 15, 2022
Final Version Due Dec 1, 2022
Categories    law of obligations   private law   civil law   contract law

Call For Papers

The 2nd Zagreb International Conference on the Law of Obligations will be held in Zagreb on 28 – 30 September 2022. The conference is organised by the Department of Law at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics and Business, in partnership with the European Law Institute (ELI) Croatian Hub and the ELI Global Private Law SIG.

The conference welcomes paper proposals from scholars and practitioners in the field of the law of obligations. Paper proposals have to be submitted with an abstract (300 – 500 words), a biographical note (100 – 150 words) and an indication of the conference topic, using the paper proposal submission form available on the conference website, no later than 30 June 2022. While up to three paper proposals may be submitted, only one proposal can be accepted for presentation. A maximum of two co-authors are allowed.

Proposals have to be related to one of the topics of the conference. Timely submitted proposals will be considered by the Scientific Committee which will select up to sixty papers to be presented at the conference according to the criteria of excellence and originality of the research and the success in addressing the topics of the conference. The final decision on the acceptance of the proposals will be communicated to the authors on 15 July 2022, along with the instructions for full paper submission and useful information related to travel and accommodation.

There is no registration fee for conference speakers whose paper proposals are accepted for presentation, but the conference speakers are responsible for their accommodation and travel arrangements.

Conference speakers are expected to submit their full papers no later than 1 December 2022. The submitted papers will be double-blind peer reviewed. Selected papers will be published in the second half of 2023 in one of the several edited books anticipated as the outcome of the conference.

Additional information is available on the conference website:


1) Contract Law and the Digital Single Market: The transposition of the Sale of Goods Directive and the Digital Content and Services Directive into national laws of EU Member States

The first topic of the conference is the transposition of Directive (EU) 2019/771 of 20 May 2019 on certain aspects concerning contracts for the sale of goods (Sale of Goods Directive, SGD) and Directive (EU) 2019/770 of 20 May 2019 on certain aspects concerning contracts for the supply of digital content and digital services (Digital Content and Services Directive, DCSD) into national laws of EU Member States. The papers submitted under this topic should focus on one or a couple of the key concepts of SGD and/or DCSD and examine the implementation of these concepts into the national law of one of the EU Member States. Papers addressing the impact of SGD and DCSD on the national system of law of obligations and dealing with any divergences from the scope of SGD and DCSD are of particular interest to the conference. Abstracts and full papers have to be submitted in English.

2) The Law of Obligations in Central and Southeast Europe: The influence of Austrian, German, and Swiss law

Paper proposals submitted under the second topic of the conference should deal with the influences of Germanic legal systems on the law of obligations in Central and Southeast European countries. The papers submitted under this topic should focus on one legal concept or a legal rule borrowed from Austrian, German or Swiss law, and examine its reception in the national law of obligations of one or several Central and Southeast European countries. The analysis of the selected legal concept should include its development in case law and legal science of both originating and receiving legal systems. Of special interest to the conference are papers dealing with potential conflicts within the national system of the law of obligations resulting from the transfer of interrelated legal concepts from different legal systems. Abstracts and full papers have to be submitted in English.

3) Croatian Law of Obligations in a Comparative Law Context: The reform and modernisation of the Croatian Obligations Act

Paper proposals submitted under the third topic should present ideas for the reform and improvement of the Croatian law of obligations. The papers should focus on one legal concept or a specific legal rule of the Obligations Act (Zakon o obveznim odnosima, ZOO), or a legal rule missing from ZOO. The papers should be based on a comparative law analysis and include proposals for ZOO de lege ferenda. Abstracts have to be submitted in English, but it will be possible to deliver the presentation at the conference in Croatian. Full papers have to be submitted in Croatian. Paper proposals dealing with the transposition of SGD and DCSD into Croatian law or with the influence of Germanic legal systems on Croatian law of obligations should be submitted under the first and second topics of the conference.

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