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WSACC 2022 : Workshop on Smart and Circular Cities


When Sep 26, 2022 - Sep 29, 2022
Where Paphos, Cyprus
Submission Deadline Jul 1, 2022
Notification Due Jul 15, 2022
Final Version Due Jul 29, 2022
Categories    smart city   IOT   sustainability   AI

Call For Papers

Organized in the scope of the 8th IEEE International Smart Cities Conference 2022, 26-29 September 2022, Aliathon Resort, Paphos, Cyprus,

Smart Cities and the IoT, together with sustainability and circular economy, form a significant part of the current research landscape, as regards large-scale systems and applications. As regards pervasive computing and the respective challenges in this space, several challenges have emerged during the last few years when designing and applying these systems in domains like energy, sustainability and smart transportation, especially when discussing their cross-section. Recent advancements in fields like the digital twin have brought forth additional challenges and opportunities in the pervasive computing space, especially when having in mind the point of view of smart cities as “system of systems”. In most cases, a multi-disciplinary approach is required for designing and implementing systems for smart circular cities, and such aspects are at the core of this workshop.

The aim of this workshop is to collect works from academia and industry reporting original, previously unpublished research, addressing technologies, systems, applications and services in the Smart and Circular Cities domain. In addition, novel approaches combining advances in IoT, Edge and Cloud computing, circularity and sustainability, Industry 4.0 are also within the scope of this workshop.

Overall, the workshop aims to address the following topics:

• Resilient smart and circular cities
• Applications of AI for smart cities
• Citizen science and education-related aspects related to smart cities and circular economy
• Data management, open data and knowledge extraction in smart and circular cities
• Digital Twins and their application in smart and circular cities and sustainability
• Distributed Ledger Technologies and the smart city ecosystem
• IoT, edge/fog and cloud computing for smart and circular cities
• People-centric systems and crowdsensing solutions in smart cities
• Smart Cities as a system of systems
• Smart city pilots/applications and related studies
• Smart City Governance issues
• Smart City Safety, Security and Privacy issues
• Standardization, interoperability, regulation and legal matters in the smart city framework
• Studies on behavioral change aspects for sustainability
• Tools and techniques for urban co-creation

We expect researchers, members of the industry and public entities, including municipalities, working on smart cities, the IoT, aspects of applied research on the circular economy, among other groups, will be interested to share their research and findings with the greater IEEE community.

The workshop is organized in collaboration with the recently established IEEE Special Technical Community (STC) on Smart and Circular Cities (, The STC aims to address technologies, systems, applications, and services in the Smart and Circular Cities domain and become a strong committee in the field, enabling the IEEE Computer Society to become a leading authority in the field. We also welcome papers on novel applications or environments that have a strong Smart City component, especially if those novel applications and environments challenge existing ideas and design techniques.


Contributions can be analytical, empirical, technological, methodological, or a combination of these. Papers reporting strong systems engineering contributions backed by solid and appropriate evaluations are strongly encouraged. The impact of the contributions should be demonstrated in the context of pervasive computing and communications. Papers applying known techniques from other fields must clearly demonstrate substantial novelty or pervasive computing impact. Submitted papers must be unpublished and not considered elsewhere for publication. Submitted papers will undergo a rigorous review process handled by the Technical Program Committee. Only electronic submissions in PDF format will be considered.

Maximum of 6 pages including references, formatted in accordance with the conference guidelines. Papers can be submitted through the EASYCHAIR system.

Important Dates

• Paper submission: July 1, 2022
• Notification: July 15, 2022
• Camera Ready: July 29, 2022

Workshop Chairs

• Dimitrios Serpanos, Computer Technology Institute & Press "Diophantus" & University of Patras, Greece
• Luis Muñoz, University of Cantabria, Spain
• Athanasios Kalogeras, Industrial Systems Institute, "ATHENA" Research and Innovation Center, Greece
• Georgios Mylonas, Industrial Systems Institute, "ATHENA" Research and Innovation Center, Greece

Related Resources

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