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FMEC 2022 : The Seventh International Conference on Fog and Mobile Edge Computing


When Dec 12, 2022 - Dec 15, 2022
Where Paris, France
Submission Deadline Oct 31, 2022
Notification Due Nov 15, 2022
Final Version Due Nov 30, 2022
Categories    mobile edge computing   federated learning   artificial intelligence   data privacy and security

Call For Papers

FMEC 2022 CFP:

Cloud computing provides large range of services and virtually unlimited available resources for users. New applications, such as virtual reality and smart building control, have emerged due to the large number of resources and services brought by cloud computing. However, the delay-sensitive applications face the problem of large latency, especially when several smart devices and objects are getting involved in human’s life such as the case of smart cities or Internet of Things. Therefore, cloud computing is unable to meet the requirements of low latency, location awareness, and mobility support.

To solve this problem, researchers have introduced a trusted and dependable solution through the Fog and the Mobile Edge Computing (FMEC) to put the services and resources of the cloud closer to users, which facilitates the leveraging of available services and resources in the edge networks. By this, we are moving from the core (cloud data centers) to the edge of the network closer to the users. FMEC dependability is based on providing user centric service. The purpose of Fog and the Mobile Edge Computing is to run the heavy real-time applications at the network edge directly using the billions of connected mobile devices.

Several features enable the Fog and the Mobile Edge Computing to be a perfect paradigm to the aforementioned purpose, which are the dense geographical deployment of servers, supporting mobility and the closeness to users. As in every new technology, some challenges face the vision of the Fog and the Mobile Edge Computing, which are the administrative policies and security concerns (i.e. secure data storage, secure computation, network security, data privacy, usage privacy, location privacy, etc).

FMEC 2022 conference aims to investigate the opportunities and requirements for Mobile Edge Computing dominance. In addition, it seeks for novel contributions that help mitigating Mobile Edge Computing challenges. That is, the objective of FMEC 2022 is to provide a forum for scientists, engineers, and researchers to discuss and exchange new ideas, novel results and experience on all aspects of Fog and Mobile Edge Computing (FMEC). FMEC is Technically Co-Sponsored by IEEE France Section. Researchers are encouraged to submit original research contributions in all major areas, which include, but not limited to:

* Mobile Cloud Computing Systems.
* FMEC Security and Privacy Issues.
* FMEC Pricing and billing models.
* FMEC support for VANETS and MANETS
* Cloudlet based computing
* Dew based computing
* Lightweight authentication mechanisms in FMEC architecture.
* Access Control models in FMEC.
* Identification of incentives for FMEC service providers.
* The future perspective for FMEC: Challenges and Open Issues.
* FMEC Quality of Service (QoS) improvements techniques.
* FMEC architecture features and evolution.
* FMEC Real-time communication interfaces and protocols.
* FMEC Resource scheduling that enhances the reliability and scalability.
* FMEC Resources monitoring mechanism and utilization measuring mechanism.
* FMEC resources allocation and management.
* Real-time load prediction model to optimize the user satisfaction.
* FMEC virtualization.
* 5G and Beyond Network Architecture.
* Data storage, processing, and management at FMEC platform.
* Cyber hacking, next generation fire wall of FMEC.
* Deployment strategies of FMEC Servers
* Admission control for FMEC.
* Social engineering, insider threats, advance spear phishing.
* Incident Handling and Penetration Testing.
* Forensics of Virtual and FMEC Environments.
* Security protocols in FMEC.
* Security and privacy of mobile cloud computing
* Security, privacy and reliability issues of MCC and IoT
* Security and privacy of IoT
* Security and privacy management in MCC
* MCC intrusion detection systems
* Security of pricing and billing for mobile cloud computing services
* Security of mobile, peer-to-peer and pervasive services in clouds
* Security of mobile commerce and mobile Internet of Things
* Security of mobile social networks
* Security and privacy in smartphone devices
* Security and privacy in social applications and networks
* Security of Mobile, peer-to-peer and pervasive services in clouds
* Security of Mobile commerce and mobile internet of things
* Security of Operating system and middleware support for mobile computing
* Security and privacy in sensor networks
* Security and privacy in social applications and networks
* Web service security
* Security of 3G/4G systems, Wi-MAX, Ad-hoc
* Security of Mobile social networks
* Near field communication services
* Service-oriented architectures, service portability, P2P
* Network virtualization and cloud-based radio access networks

Related Resources

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