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IEEE NFV-SDN 2022 : IEEE Conference on Network Functions Virtualization and Software-Defined Networking


When Nov 14, 2022 - Nov 16, 2022
Where Chandler (Arizona), USA
Submission Deadline Jul 15, 2022
Notification Due Sep 5, 2022
Final Version Due Oct 9, 2022
Categories    IEEE   nfv   SDN

Call For Papers

The 2022 IEEE NFV-SDN conference will be held in Chandler (Arizona), USA at Intel on Nov. 14-16, 2022. It again is an important forum for the ongoing exchange of the latest ideas, developments, and results amongst ecosystem partners in both academia and industry. The conference fosters knowledge sharing and discussion on new approaches and works ad-dressing gaps and improvements in virtualized enabled architectures, algorithms, and operational frameworks for virtualized network functions and infrastructures.

Topics of interest
The following is a non-exhaustive list of topics:

NFV, CNF, and SDN Architectures, Infrastructure, and Elements
- Emerging improvements, including Network Slicing and the unikernel paradigm
- Improvements in the design of forwarding elements, e.g., switches/routers, wireless systems
- Optimizing virtualized infrastructures, including hardware acceleration technologies
- Heterogeneous server platforms and the detailed element-level CPU/GPU/FPGA mapping of network functions
- SDN/CNF/NFV in recent and novel architecture paradigms
- Architectural design aspects toward Next-Generation wireless networks,
- Virtualization Technologies for Edge/Fog Computing
- Microservice-based and agent-based SDN/NFV
- SDN/NFV in 6G three-dimensional networking

NFV, CNF, and SDN Operations
- Dynamic license management, autonomics, machine learning, monitoring, resiliency, fault management and self-healing
- Network security and isolation impacts of virtualization technologies
- Advanced tools for automated design, deployment, validation and management
- Application of machine learning and big data analytics to manage to simplify deployment and operation of SDN/NFV networks
- SDN/NFV orchestration and operations in 6G network continuum

Performance Analysis and Optimization
- Costs of migration of application containers and workloads
- Data/control plane performance, interoperability and scalability studies
- Resource dimensioning and optimization (e.g., cloud-native design), workload isolation and tradeoffs
- Design guidelines for modularity, scalability, high availability and interoperability (e.g., container and micro services implementations)
- SDN/NFV new KPIs and trade-offs in 6G architecture

Results and Evaluations in Application Scenarios
- Comparative studies on different virtualization technologies
- Usage scenarios such as SD-WAN, IoT, Smart Grid, Smart Cities, etc.
- Improvements in future communication infrastructure enabled by SDN and NFV including fixed and wireless access, public, private and hybrid clouds
- Social and regulatory impacts (e.g., network implications of data location and privacy)
- Operational experience in operational networks (e.g., 5G deployments)

Submission guidelines
Full technical papers should have a maximum paper length of six (6) printed pages (10-point font), including figures, without incurring additional page charges (maximum 1 additional page with over length page charge of USD100 if accepted). Papers exceeding 7 pages will not be accepted at EDAS. Papers should be submitted via EDAS.

Important dates
- Workshop proposal deadline: June 4th, 2022
- Full paper submission deadline: July 15th, 2022
- Tutorial proposal deadline: July 6th, 2022
- Demo/Fast Track paper submission deadline: July 27th, 2022
- Acceptance notification (full papers): September 5th, 2022
- Acceptance notification (fast-track papers, demos): September 13th, 2022
- Camera-ready papers: October 9th, 2022

Doctoral Symposium
The Doctoral Symposium is an innovative feature of the IEEE NFV-SDN conference series. It provides an opportunity for PhD students to discuss and get valuable feedback on their research work from experienced researchers from both industry and academia. It will help to build and strengthen collaboration amongst the communities researching and working in the areas of NFV and SDN. Please refer to for more information.

- Paper submission deadline: August 15th, 2022
- Notification of acceptance: September 12th, 2022
- Camera-ready deadline: October 9th, 2022
- NFV-SDN Conference: November 14th-16th, 2022

General Co-Chairs
Kurt Tutschku, BTH, SE
Larry Horner, Intel, US

TPC Co-Chairs
Carlos J. Bernardos, Univ. Carlos III of Madrid, ES
Riccardo Bassoli, TU Dreseden, DE
Flavio Esposito, Saint Louis University, USA

Demo Co-Chairs
Georgiana Caltais, University of Twente, NL
Violet R. Syrotiuk, ASU, US
Chiara Contoli, University of Urbino "Carlo Bo", IT

Workshop Co-Chairs
Antonio de la Oliva, Univ. Carlos III of Madrid, ES
Paolo Casari, University of Trento, IT
Dewang Gedia, Cisco Systems, Inc/University of Colorado Boulder, USA

Tutorial Co-Chairs
Bruno Chatras, Orange, FR
Rentao Gu, BUPT, CN

Doctoral Symposium Co-Chairs
Dewang Gedia, Cisco Systems, Inc/University of Colorado Boulder, USA
Helge Parzyjegla, Univ. of Rostock, DE
Barbara Martini, CNIT, IT

Publicity Co-Chairs
Wenting Wei, Xidian University, CN
Reza Tourani, Saint Louis University, USA
Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Karlstad Univer-sity, SE

Keynote Chair
Molka Gharbaoui, CNIT, IT

Panel Co-Chairs
George Xilouris, NCSR Demokritos, GR
Evangelos Markakis, Hellenic Mediterra-nean University, GR

Patronage Chair

Publication Chair
Roman-Valentyn Tkachuk, BTH, SE.

Local Arrangements Chair

Web Co-Chairs
Victor Kebanbe, BTH, SE
Okwudilichukwu Okafor, Saint Louis University, USA
Jorge Martin-Perez, Univ. Carlos III of Madrid, ES

Technical Sponsorships Chair
Kurt Tutschku, BTH, SE


Steering Committee
Don Clarke, Telecom Foresight Consulting, USA
Andreas Kassler, KAU, Sweden.
Diego Lopez, Telefonica, Spain
Dan Pitt, MEF, USA.
Yuji Sekiya, Uni Tokyo, Japan.
Marco Tacca, UT Dallas, USA.
Kurt Tutschku, BTH, Sweden

IEEE Staff Contact
Tina Gaerlan, IEEE Comsoc, USA

Bruce Worthman, IEEE Comsoc, USA

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