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TTO 2022 : The fourth annual Conference on Truth and Trust Online


When Oct 13, 2022 - Oct 14, 2022
Where Hybrid: Boston,MA & Virtual
Submission Deadline Jun 17, 2022
Notification Due Aug 5, 2022
Final Version Due Sep 2, 2022
Categories    truth discovery   misinformation   computational social science   NLP

Call For Papers

### Dates ###

Full paper submission deadline: June 17, 2022 (23:59 AoE)
Author notification: August 5, 2022
Camera-ready final submission: September 2, 2022
Submission Site: EasyChair (

### Overview ###

The fourth annual Conference on Truth and Trust Online (TTO 2022) is a unique forum for academia, industry, non-profit organizations, community organizers, and other stakeholders to discuss the problems surrounding participation in online platforms with respect to truth and trust, together with socio-technical approaches for understanding and addressing them.

We invite submissions of both **technical papers** and **talk proposals** on socio-technical approaches aimed at addressing current and upcoming challenges for truth and trust in online participation.

Submissions of both types will be accepted on EasyChair (

### Relevant topics include (but are not limited to): ###

- Misinformation, disinformation, influence operations, conspiratorial thinking
- Trustworthiness of COVID-19 news and public health communications
- Equitable mitigation of harm related to truth and trust online
- Truth and trust online in low-resourced, low-literacy regions
- Policy approaches to truth and trust worldwide
- Credibility
- Polarization, echo chambers, hyper-partisanship, bias
- Hate speech
- Transparency in content and source moderation (e.g. deplatforming, shadow banning)
- Privacy requirements, privacy breaches
- Trust and digital currencies
- Online harassment and cyberbullying
- Image/video verification, manipulated media
- Reputation manipulation (e.g., fake amplification, fake reviews, etc.)
- Safety and privacy in virtual environments (e.g, augmented reality, online games, etc.)

### Technical Papers ###

Technical papers should contain novel, previously unpublished material related to the topics of the conference and should be limited to *8 pages* with unlimited pages for references. Papers should be technical in nature, authors seeking to publish a position/opinion paper should instead submit a talk proposal, possibly accompanied by a blog post. Accepted papers will be presented either orally or as posters. Authors will be able to opt out from inclusion of accepted papers in the TTO proceedings, e.g., if they plan to publish their work elsewhere. Double submissions are allowed, but they should be declared as a footnote on the first page of the paper.

We invite technical papers of the following types:

- Analysis Papers: the core focus of the paper is to generate new insights about trust and
truth online, rather than the specific method applied.

- Methodology Papers: the core focus is to test the effectiveness of a proposed method.

- Reproduction Papers: provides new insights by presenting a more holistic view of a prior
topic, and by trying to reproduce results documented in prior work.

- Resource Papers: presents a new resource, such as a dataset or tool.

- Use Case Papers: presents new insights about a specific use case, such as an event or a

**Papers that deal with human subjects and data related to human subjects should have a section that discusses the protections that were used during data collection and analysis.**

Technical papers will be judged by at least two program committee members.

Submissions need to follow the provided TTO template, which is also available on Overleaf. These are available at:

**Anonymity requirements**: technical papers will be subject to mutually-anonymous reviewing. Please submit anonymous manuscripts that do not contain information that identifies the authors or their organization.

### Talk Proposals ###

Talk proposals should be 2 pages long, describing the content of a roughly 15-minute talk (the actual length will be determined based on program constraints). We invite submissions from scholars, activists, developers, lawyers, ethics experts, fact-checkers, public servants, journalists, and all-around researchers. We welcome talks covering case studies, lessons learned, research results, open challenges, and more: TTO attracts world-renowned experts; if you are excited to give a talk to such a group, and you think they would be excited to hear it, then you should submit a proposal.

Talk proposals should also use the same TTO Template as the technical papers, with a limit of 2 pages in content, and additional reference pages if needed. Submissions must NOT be anonymous.

Related Resources

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TrustCom 2024   The 23rd IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications
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