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KGC-IK 2022 : First Workshop on Imperfect Knowledge Graphs


When May 3, 2022 - May 3, 2022
Where New York (virtual)
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    knowledge graphs   plausible reasoning   argumentation   causal graphs

Call For Papers

The KGC Imperfect-Knowledge (KGC-IK) online workshop will address reasoning with imperfect knowledge and is co-located with this year’s Knowledge Graph Conference (KGC-2022). It will take place on May 3rd from 9 until 10h30 am EST (New York).

See here for details:

The KGC-IK workshop will address uses cases and techniques for representing and reasoning with imperfect knowledge graphs, i.e., including knowledge that is uncertain, incomplete and inconsistent. Deductive reasoning will have limited usefulness to extend imperfect knowledge graphs, as it assumes knowledge that is wholly truthful - i.e., perfect knowledge. This workshop investigates the use of plausible reasoning over knowledge graphs including imperfect knowledge, where mathematical proof is replaced by plausible arguments for and against a given premise - in other words, everyday reasoning!

We will focus (not exclusively) on use cases for healthcare, and will discuss technical approaches for plausible reasoning in all of its forms, including, but not limited to, causal reasoning, argumentation, case-based reasoning, reasoning by analogy, abductive reasoning, temporal reasoning, statistical inference, qualitative reasoning and fuzzy logic. We also welcome demonstrations and evaluations of proof-of-concept implementations.

Please feel free to contribute to a dialogue on open issues and use cases on imperfect knowledge graphs:

Related Resources

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