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PNSE 2022 : International Workshop on Petri Nets and Software Engineering


When Jun 21, 2022 - Jun 21, 2022
Where Bergen, Norway
Submission Deadline Apr 20, 2022
Notification Due May 10, 2022
Final Version Due May 15, 2022
Categories    software engineering   cyber-physical systems   formal methods   modeling

Call For Papers

For the successful realization of complex systems of interacting and reactive software and hardware components the use of a precise language at different stages of the development process is of crucial importance. Petri nets are becoming increasingly popular in this area, as they provide a uniform language supporting the tasks of modeling, simulation, validation, and verification. Their popularity is due to the fact that Petri nets capture fundamental aspects of causality, concurrency and choice in a natural and mathematically precise way without compromising readability.

The workshop PNSE'22 (Petri nets and Software Engineering) will take place as a satellite event of Petri Nets 2022 and ACSD 2022.

The use of Petri nets (P/T-nets, colored Petri nets and extensions) in software engineering, covering modeling, validation, and verification, will be presented as well as their application and tools supporting the disciplines mentioned above.

This year we will put an emphasize on the impact of software engineering in general and its model based development on Petri nets by their concepts, methods, techniques and tools. Therefore we especially invite contributions that work on subjects that could(!) be relevant for Petri nets, their applications or their tools. Results on other formalisms or semi-formal techniques, their concepts, methods, tools and experiences (successful or not successful) are highly welcome.

As model based development has proven to be very successful, we want to discuss ideas, applications, concepts, foundations and recent results from the area of modeling during the workshop. Communication is based on models, therefore, the transformation from domain models to software models and back are major tasks that we want to discuss during the workshop from several perspectives. Last but not least, in the context of any organizational institution, the roles of modeling and how to use concepts, methods or tools for modeling may be addressed

The idea is to inspire the Petri nets community with new ideas, insights, relevant concepts, etc. In case that you still have doubts if your contribution will fit: Just contact the PC-Chairs!

We welcome contributions describing original research in topics from Petri nets, software engineering or modeling. Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

Software Engineering:
- agile development
- product lines
- software development and production environments; DevOps; IDEs; continuous integration
- programming and concurrency
- technologies: hadoop / MapReduce; akka, Spark; Flink; STORM etc.
- distributed database technology: redis; cassandra; CouchDB; hadoop; mongoDB etc.
- concepts for mobility, concurrency, non-determinism, distribution, embedding, flexibility
- social concepts for norms, rules, contracts, communication, co-ordination, co-operation
- software engineering addressing Petri nets, UML techniques, BPMN, BPEL, eEPCs, CMMN and other modeling techniques

Petri nets:
- validation, execution, simulation, observation, animation, code generation, testing, debugging, implementation and prototyping
- verification, behavioral and structural methods, state space based approaches, model checking
- process mining
- assertional and deductive methods (e.g. temporal logics)
- process algebraic methods

- modeling technique variants and their semantics
- foundations and basic concepts covering concepts such as concurrency, non-determinism, correctness, mobility, distribution etc.
- evaluation of modeling languages, techniques, methods and tools
- patterns for models and for modeling
- collaborative modeling research
- domain specific languages
- syntax, semantics and pragmatics of modeling and its languages
- model and graph transformation

Applications in the domains of:
- education, training and teaching at any level,
- flexible manufacturing,
- logistics,
- telecommunication,
- big data,
- cyber-physical systems,
- internet-of-things,
- grid and cloud computing,
- distributed systems,
- Internet of Things and Industry 4.0,
- Smart Cities and Social Networks,
- distributed software development,
- workflow management and
- embedded systems.
Tools, case studies, usability studies and applications in the fields mentioned above



The program committee invites submissions of full contributions (20 pages) or short contributions (5 - 8 pages). Ongoing work (up to 3 pages) can also be presented in a special poster session.

Submission Guidelines
The program committee invites submissions of full contributions (up to 20 pages) or short contributions (up to 8 pages). Ongoing work (up to 2 pages) can be presented in a special poster session. This year the formatting of papers is different from the previous years. Papers should be submitted in electronic form (PDF) using the CEUR latex style:
Submissions should include title, authors' addresses, E-mail addresses, keywords and an abstract. For your submission please use the online conference management system at

The papers will be peer reviewed by at least three members of the PC. Accepted contributions will be included in the workshop proceedings, which will be available at the workshop and published online.

The best papers from the workshop will be invited for publication in a volume of the journal sub-line of Lecture Notes in Computer Science entitled "Transactions on Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency" (ToPNoC). The papers are expected to be thoroughly revised and they will go through a totally new round of reviewing as is standard practice for journal papers.

In case of any problems please contact us by email at

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