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MHPC-IM 2022 : Minisymposium on High Performance Computing Interval Methods


When Sep 11, 2022 - Sep 14, 2022
Where Gdansk, Poland
Submission Deadline May 20, 2022
Notification Due Jun 25, 2022
Final Version Due Nov 9, 2022
Categories    interval methods   fuzzy methods   HPC   machine learning

Call For Papers

The submission deadline is extended till May 20!!!

Two major measures of the quality of high performance computations are numerical accuracy and efficiency.

Interval methods are a class of algorithms that are accurate and even allow to obtain a guaranteed result. They also provide a useful and appropriate tool to describe the uncertainty of parameters, discretization inaccuracy, and numerical errors. Nevertheless, they are usually time-consuming and memory-demanding. Hence, all attempts to increase their efficiency are required and valuable: parallel implementations, use of
new data structures, improved algorithms.

The Minisymposium is going to provide a forum for interval researchers to share their experiences and present possible improvements to the algorithms and successful applications.

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

• parallelization of interval methods, in particular on multi-core architectures, supercomputers, grids or clouds
• the use of GPU computing and hybrid architectures for interval analysis,
• the use of BLAS, LAPACK, novel data formats, and data structures for interval computations
• auto-tuning of interval algorithms
• global optimization/equations solving methods
• linear systems with interval parameters
• ordinary and partial differential equations
• fuzzy numbers and fuzzy calculus
• practical applications of interval scientific computing algorithms, including machine learning ones

The Minisymposium is a part of the PPAM 2022 14th International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics. As the PPAM 2022 Conference, the Minisymposium is going to take place in Gdańsk, Poland, on September 11-14, 2022.

All rules of the PPAM 2022 Conference apply, including the deadlines, required format of the abstracts/papers, and their submission via the EasyChair system of PPAM.

Please, send all your questions to Bartłomiej Jacek Kubica -- the preferred address is:

Persons responsible for the Minisymposium organization (in alphabetic order):

• Milan Hladik , Charles University, Czech Republic.
• Vladik Kreinovich , University of Texas at El Paso, USA.
• Bartłomiej Jacek Kubica , Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland.
• Nathalie Revol , Inria, Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, France.
• Iwona Skalna , AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland.

Related Resources

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