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IPIN Competition 2022 : Ninth IPIN Competition - off-site Indoor Localization


When Sep 5, 2022 - Sep 8, 2022
Where Online
Submission Deadline Apr 30, 2022
Notification Due Jun 10, 2022
Final Version Due Jun 30, 2022
Categories    indoor localization   indoor positioning

Call For Papers

IPIN is pleased to announce the IPIN 2022 Indoor Localization Competition. The
competition is aimed at bringing together the academic and industrial research
communities for evaluating different approaches and envisioning new methods for
indoor and seamless localisation, an area where no generally accepted standards
exist yet.

The competition builds on the experience of previous competitions and is based
on the EvAAL framework, ensuring experience, solidity and a well-founded
scientific method. The IPIN 2022 Indoor Localization Competition is entirely
off-site. It hosts six different Tracks, all pedestrian-based and all indoor,
unless specified:

• Track 2: Camera
• Track 3: Smartphone
• Track 4: Foot-mounted IMU
• Track 6: Smartphone on vehicle
• Track 7: CIR in warehouse
• Track 8: 5G in open-plan office

The competition is off-site, meaning that competitors are provided with sensors
data and use them to estimate the user position. Competitors calibrate their
algorithms in advance using ground truth reference data (test trials) and
compete using new unreferenced data (scoring trials).

Prizes of at least 5000 Rmb or 625 Eur per Track, partially sponsored by the
Satellite Navigation journal, will be awarded during the IPIN conference.

Track 2 – Camera: Walking around and shooting photos to identify the position.

Track 3 – Smartphone: Walking under realistic conditions in multi-floor
buildings with possibly small outdoor parts, using data provided by a
conventional smartphone.

Track 4 – Foot-mounted IMU: A pedestrian carries ULISS (Ubiquituous Localization
with Inertial Sensors and Satellites), a state-of-the-art Inertial Navigation
System producing IMU data, MAG data, PRESSURE data & GNSS data, without the help
of any maps, with possibly small outdoor parts.

Track 6 – Smartphone on vehicle: A smartphone fixed to a car dashboard records
sensors and GNSS data on a partly outdoors, partly indoors route.

Track 7 – CIR in warehouse: People with UWB tags move through a warehouse-like
environment in LOS and NLOS conditions and get Channel Impulse Response data.

Track 8 – 5G in open-plan office: ToA data are collected in an open-plan office.


The evaluation criteria for the competition, restrictions on the accepted
technologies, technical rules and a description of the benchmarks are detailed
in the technical annexes to this call. Possible refinements of the annexes,
even based on applicants' comments, will be timely distributed on the
competition discussion mailing list and will appear on
the EvAAL website (

Competitors obtain sensor readings and submit position estimates through the
EvaalAPI web service ( The aim is to
emulate a causal process similar to the data flow of an on-site Track: input
data can be read only once and only in sequence, and the timestamp of each
submitted position estimate is the same as the latest sensor reading.

Competitors calibrate their algorithms in advance using ground truth references
(test trials), and compete using new unreferenced data (scoring trials).

All the data gathered by the competition committee during the competition,
including data produced by competing systems, will be published after the
competition for the purpose of research and comparison. Winners of the
competition are announced on the EvAAL and IPIN websites and on the contest
mailing list. Scientific publishing opportunities will be offered to


A competitor can be any individual or group of individuals working as a single
team, associated to a single or a number of organizations, who applies to
participate in one or several Tracks. Only one team from a given organisation
(laboratory) is allowed to compete. A team can compete in any number of Tracks.
Registration to the competition is included in the registration of at least one
team member for the IPIN 2022 conference, and counts as a single paper or poster
published at the conference. Alternatively, registration to the competition
costs 800 Rmb or 100 Eur for the first Track plus 400 Rmb or 50 Eur for any
additional Track, to be paid when results are submitted, see
( Applicants are invited to subscribe to the mailing list and use it to ask for general information.
For private communications, please write to or to the
chairs of the relevant Track.

News and updates are posted to the contest mailing list (subscribe at

Technical annexes published: April
Application: May
Test trials published: June
Submission of results: August
Proclamation of winners: 8 September


Competition chairs Francesco Potortì – ISTI-CNR (IT)
Sangjoon Park – ETRI (KR)

Track 2 Soyeon Lee – ETRI (KR)
Track 3 Joaquín Torres-Sospedra – UBIK Geospatial Solutions (ES)
Antonio R. Jiménez – CSIC (ES)
Track 4 Miguel Ortiz – GEOLOC Team, University Gustave Eiffel (FR)
Ni Zhu – GEOLOC Team, University Gustave Eiffel (FR)
Track 6 Wenchao Zhang – Academy of Opto-Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN)
Xinchun Ji – Academy of Opto-Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN)
Track 7 Sebastian Kram – Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits (DE)
Christopher Mutschler – Erlangen-Nürnberg University (DE)
Track 8 Shaobo Wang – Huawei Technologies (CN)
Jiehua Chen – Huawei Technologies (CN)

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