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GCI4WebSci 2022 : 1st GCI4WebSci Workshop on General Collective Intelligence & Web Science


When Jun 26, 2022 - Jun 27, 2022
Where Barcelona, Spain
Abstract Registration Due Apr 9, 2022
Submission Deadline Apr 16, 2022
Notification Due Apr 30, 2022
Final Version Due May 12, 2022
Categories    collective intelligence   group decision making   multi-agent systems   distributed ai

Call For Papers

# GCI4WebSci2022 - 1st GCI4WebSci Workshop on General Collective Intelligence and Web Science - Call for Papers

Workshop website:

The 1st GCI4WebSci workshop on General Collective Intelligence and web science is co-located with the 14th ACM Web Science Conference (WebSci'22) that will take place in Barcelona, Spain 26-27 June 2022.

## Important Dates

- Submission deadline: April 16, 2022
- Notification: April 30, 2022
- Camera-ready submission: May 12, 2022
- Workshop date: June 26-27, 2022, Barcelona, Spain

## Summary of Call for Papers

Researchers with a focus on collective intelligence, crowd sourcing, distributed computing, and other collaborative paradigms are invited to submit short papers to the 2022 workshop on General Collective Intelligence and Web Science (GCI4WebSci2022) that will be co-located with the 2022 ACM conference on Web Science. The full Call for Papers is here. Researchers are encouraged to explore the difference between a General Collective Intelligence (GCI) with general problem-solving ability that might be automatically applied to any problem in general, and a Collective Intelligence (CI) with narrow problem-solving ability that might be manually applied to a wide range of narrowly defined problems. The GCI model predicts an exponential increase in intelligence is achievable, consistent with the collective supermind of people and computers working together predicted to be possible by Thomas Malone of the MIT Center for Collective Intelligence, and consistent with Lex Paulson, director of the first School for Collective Intelligence who states that "Collective intelligence could be the most important science of the 21st century". The theory of GCI specifies precisely how this exponential increase in intelligence might be achieved, as well as why such an increase in general problem-solving ability might not be reliably achievable with any other technology, no matter how optimistic projections are for that technology (e.g. quantum computing), why this increase has never been possible before in the history of human civilization, and why it represents a potential technological singularity and a fundamental change in the course of civilization. Researchers are invited to explore the possibility and implications of achieving this radical increase in general problem-solving ability, and therefore this increase in ability to solve any problem in general, which might apply to mathematics, physics, medicine, sustainable development, or any other discipline. Since this workshop will focus on the relationship between collaborative intelligence and social good, papers focused on the use of CI or GCI to radically increase impact on the sustainable development goals will be especially welcome. The underlying theme of the workshop is that as a model for the general problem-solving ability of groups, it is hypothesized that there are some problems current groups simply aren't intelligent enough to reliably solve without GCI, including the problem of understanding we aren't intelligent enough to solve these problems, as well as the problem of understanding and overcoming the underlying cognitive biases that create political polarization which might prevent individuals from empathizing with others and as a result seeing a larger common problem.

## Submission, review, participation, and publication details

### Originality

Submitted papers must be original, unpublished, and not concurrently submitted for publication elsewhere.

### Kinds of submissions

GCI4WebSci 2022 will be open for submissions: of short papers. Review versions of short papers may have up to four (4) pages of content, plus unlimited pages for references. Final versions of short papers may have up to five (5) pages, plus unlimited pages for acknowledgments and references. Please follow ACL guidelines and templates:
Overleaf templates:

### E-submission site

### Reviews

Papers will be peer reviewed for originality, relevance to themes, significance, soundness, presentation, and overall quality. Reviews will be single-blind.

### Registration and presentation

At least one of the authors of every accepted paper must register and present the paper at the workshop.

### Publication

All *accepted and presented* papers will be submitted for publication in the proceedings of the ACM Web Science Conference (WebSci'22), which will be published open access through ACM’s OpenTOC system.

## Workshop Chairs

- Roberto Casadei (Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, Italy)
- Andy E. Williams (Nobeah Foundation, Nairobi, Kenya)

For more information, please contact the workshop organizers.

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