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SDGs: Post-COVID-19 World 2022 : Achieving Sustainable Development Goals in Post-COVID-19 World: Regional Challenges, Opportunities and Policy Options


When Nov 24, 2022 - Nov 25, 2022
Where Virtual
Submission Deadline Sep 15, 2022
Notification Due Sep 30, 2022
Final Version Due Nov 15, 2022
Categories    virtual conference

Call For Papers

Two Day Virtual International Conference on

Achieving Sustainable Development Goals in Post-COVID-19 World:
Regional Challenges, Opportunities and Policy Options
(24-25 November 2022)


Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) include 17 goals and 169 targets for development of society, economy, and environment. SDGs envisage achieving human prosperity through reducing poverty, ensuring equality, eliminating hunger, mitigating climate change, managing resources, and protecting environment. SDGs call for effective implementation of policies for achieving the targeted goals. COVID-19 pandemic affected both the developed and developing countries due to unprecedented multidimensional crisis leading to global recession. COVID-10 crisis has exposed multi-faced vulnerability in terms of healthcare, education, social protection, regional and global value chains, international production networks, tourism, financial markets, energy resources, and environmental protection. The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted worldwide and challenged the life style drastically, which posed the questions to rethink a more sustainable living specifically the world we want to live in, rebuilding in a more sustainable and equitable way of life, and the role of multiple policies for this transformation and achieving SDGs in the new post-COVID 19 world. All this pose diverse regional challenges and opportunities to policy makers to achieve SDGs. Achieving the SDGs emphasize the role of individuals and societal transformation for sustainability and the contribution to the survival and prosperity of humanity, including critical thinking skills, and rebuilding more resilient systems. COVID-10 pandemic makes the SDGs highly relevant to address the social and economic vulnerabilities and to achieve sustainable recovery using both short and long-term integrated policies and charting a robust roadmap.

Against the above backdrop, the Two Days Virtual International Conference on Sustainable Development in Post-COVID-19 World: Regional Challenges, Opportunities and Policy Options aims at strengthening and scaling up the SDGs to enable present generations to meet their needs while allowing future generations to meet their own, using a balanced and integrated approach focusing on the economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainable development. The conference targets at understanding SDGs, generating evidence based on research and substantive good practices for advancing policies by involving multi-stakeholders including professionals and practitioners from the governments and non-governmental organizations, educational and research institutions, communities and youth, academia and other stakeholders.
The conference intends to deliberate on the following sub-themes:

1. COVID-19, economic recession and SDGs
2. COVID-19, existing development challenges, and SDGs
3. COVID-19 crisis and health, economic, and social shocks
4. COVID-19 pandemic, remittances and social safety nets
5. COVID-19 and transition to achieve SDGs
6. COVID-19 crisis and integrated policies for achieving SDGs
7. COVID-19 crisis, socio-economic-environmental vulnerabilities and SDGs
8. SDGs and addressing vulnerabilities caused by COVID-19
9. SDGs and COVID-19 crisis recovery
10. SDGs and inclusive and sustainable recovery
11. SDGs and resilient economies and societies
12. COVID-19, stimulus packages and economic recovery
13. COVID-19, greener recovery and sustainability
14. SDGs, sustainability and resilience goals
15. Sustainable recovery and policies to address future shocks
16. Implementation of the SDGs linked to climate change and sustainable societies
17. Economic recovery and environmental sustainability
18. Poverty eradication and reduction of inequalities
19. Environmental protection and economic growth
20. Equitable and sustainable economies and societies
21. Implementation of SDGs at all levels of governance
22. Role of culture in achieving SDGs
23. Science-policy-sustainable development practice interface and decision-making
24. Capacity building for sustainable development
25. Integration of SDGs into sustainable development policies
26. Holistic approaches for achieving SDGs
27. Multi-stakeholder cooperation and partnerships for achieving SDGs

Targeted participants
Professionals, Academicians, Researchers, M.Phil/Ph.D students from universities/research institutes, governments and non-government organizations and their affiliated institutions and networks in developed and developing countries

Submission of Full Paper: September 15 2022
Notification of Acceptance: September 30 2022
Reviewer Notification: October 15 2022
Submission of Revised Paper: November 15 2022
Submission of PPT: November 20 2022

Submission Guidelines
Please visit:
Abstract: 300 words maximum
Keywords: Maximum 6 keywords
JEL Codes: Maximum 6
Full paper: 6000-8000 words
Language: English
References style: APA 7th edition
Text font: New Times Roman
Tables & figures Please visit :
Evaluation: The publishing process is in double blind review system and non-tolerance of plagiarism
Full paper can be send directly by mail to: or or
Full paper can be submitted online at:

1. It is planned to publish the selected peer-reviewed papers contributed to the international conference in forthcoming issues of the journal “Regional Economic Development Research” published by the Universal Wiser (Singapore) for wider dissemination.
2. No Conference Participation and Publication Fee in fully Open Access Journal will be charged from the participants.
3. Participation Certificate will be issued to each participant.

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