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INDUSTRY4. 2022 : Two Days Virtual International Conference on Industry 4.0, Skills Gaps and Labor Market


When Aug 5, 2022 - Aug 6, 2022
Where Virtual
Submission Deadline May 30, 2022
Notification Due Jun 5, 2022
Final Version Due Jul 14, 2022
Categories    virtual conference

Call For Papers

Two Days Virtual International Conference on
Industry 4.0, Skills Gaps and Labor Market
(05-06 August 2022)

“Global Economics Science”

In the contemporary global economy, the employability skills are central to the Industry 4.0 induced technological disruptions due to high unemployment specifically among the educated youth. Employment oriented knowledge and skills are vital for productive employment. Employers need skills and abilities in communication, collaboration, problem solving, and critical thinking. Globally, the Industry 4.0 induced technological disruptions are posing to challenges to manufacturing, services, entrepreneurship, finance, transport, education, and labor market. New innovative business models are critical for addressing youth unemployment in both the developed and developing economies. Existing education and vocational systems fail to generate the necessary employability skills and high competitiveness. Skills’ gaps are sharp in the labor markets. Therefore, balanced employability skills are required for meeting the challenges of the Industry 4.0 for which reorienting the technical and vocational education and training is imperative through active participation of private sector, and public-private collaboration to adapt to the world of work. Against the above backdrop, the original papers are solicited on the following subthemes:

1. Industry 4.0 induced technical disruptions and learning crisis
2. Industry 4.0 and employability skills
3. Industry 4.0, skills gaps and youth employment
4. Employability skills, lifelong learning and future of labor market
5. Technological disruption and experiences of developed and developing economies
6. Technical education and human capital development
7. Employability skills and career development
8. Technological development, education system and employability skills
9. Digital technology and massive open online courses
10. Dual system education programs
11. Industry-led training and apprenticeships
12. Education-industry collaboration for effective curriculum development
13. Universities, start-ups and an entrepreneurship ecosystem
14. Learning agility, climate change and environmental sustainability
15. COVID-19 pandemic and active lifelong learning
16. COVID-19, technical disruption, and the New Normal economy
17. Public investment in the technical and vocational education and training
18. On-the-job training and development of the Industry 4.0 compatible employability skills
19. Public-private collaboration in developing employability skills
20. New models for developing the employability skills

Targeted participants
Professionals, Academicians, Researchers, M.Phil/Ph.D students from universities/research institutes, governments and non-government organizations and their affiliated institutions and networks in developed and developing countries

Full Paper Submission: May 30 2022
Notification of Acceptance: June 05 2022
Reviewer Notification: June 15 2022
Submission of Revised Paper: July 15 2022
Submission of PPT: July 20 2022

Submission Guidelines
Please visit:
Abstract: 300 words maximum
Keywords: Maximum 6 keywords
JEL Codes: Maximum 6
Full Paper: 6000-8000 words
Language: English
References style: APA 7th edition
Text font: New Times Roman
Tables & figures Please visit:
Evaluation: The publishing process is in double blind review system and non-tolerance of plagiarism
Full paper submission can be send directly by mail to: or or
Full paper can be submitted online at:

1. It is planned to publish the selected peer-reviewed papers contributed to the international conference in forthcoming issues of the journal “Global Economics Science” published by the Universal Wiser (Singapore) for wider dissemination.
2. No Conference Participation and Publication Fee in fully Open Access Journal will be charged from the participants.
3. Participation Certificate will be issued to each participant.

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