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FutureCyberspace 2022 : The Future of Cyberspace: From Neutrality and Liberation towards Warfare and Control


When Nov 30, 2022 - Nov 30, 2022
Where N/A
Abstract Registration Due Jul 31, 2022
Submission Deadline Oct 1, 2022
Notification Due Oct 31, 2022
Final Version Due Nov 30, 2022
Categories    cyber warfare   cyber law   ethics   internet neutrality

Call For Papers

As the cyberspace grew to include virtually every aspect of human life, problems we used to face in the physical space were extended to the cyberspace and in many cases magnified. We can divide these issues into personal, organizational, societal, and national levels. At the personal level, issues such as privacy and reputation can be identified with direct impact on individuals’ wellbeing. At the organizational level, issues such as compliance, jurisdiction and organized cybercrimes are among many issues facing contemporary organizations. At the societal level, issues such as cyber ethics, trafficking, cyber bullying, and Internet-facilitated crimes affect the very fabric of societies that once were homogenous and secluded. At the national level, issues such as government-sponsored cyber warfare, cyber terrorism, Internet governance and neutrality, international conflicts, sovereignty, international law, data governance and policy, and many more new issues related to the new boundaries created in the cyberspace. The internet is under the threat of being broken down into silos of jurisdictions. The international aspect of internet services is being frustrated by global leaders such as President Trump’s attack on Huawei, President Macron’s threat on US and Chinese service providers and his public initiative to create European sovereign services and President Jinping’s decision to arrest Jack Ma. This book aims to discuss the future of the cyberspace by scoping its non-technical challenges and tackling them at the four identified layers namely individual, organizational, societal, and national. This book is at the intersection of cyberlaw, cyber ethics, cyber warfare, and international relations and open to interdisciplinary approaches for cyberspace threats. Please see below specific parts and tentative chapters for the book:

Part1: Foundational issues in the cyberspace:
1.1 Is the internet free?
1.2 Internet Neutrality, Governance and Stakeholders
1.3 Is the internet an “Economics-free zone” or “No man’s land”?
1.4 Cyberspace after quantum computing and Artificial Intelligence
Part 2: Cyberspace at the Individual level
2.1 Democracy, freedom of speech and the Internet
2.2 Right to privacy, reputation and right to be forgotten
2.3 Conflict of rights “Right to privacy” and “Right to information access”
2.4 Fake News and the Cyberspace
Part 3: Cyberspace at the Organizational level
3.1 Regulations, compliance, and frameworks
3.2 Global Data Law and Governance
3.3 Organized crimes
3.4 Cyberspace-facilitated monopolies
3.5 Principles of Jurisdiction on the Internet
3.6 New era of contracts
Part 4: Cyberspace at the Societal level
4.1 Cyber ethics
4.2 Cyber trafficking, bullying, Internet-facilitated crimes and law enforcement
Part 5: Cyberspace at the national level
5.1 Sovereignty, service globalization and internet silos
5.2 National cyber strategies and the use of coercion
5.3 Nation states, non-state actors and the internet.
The submitted chapter should have 12 to 15 pages and be related to the aforementioned areas and or areas related to the book's overall aim described here. For inquiries regarding chapter length and topic, kindly contact any of the editors. Each submitted book chapter will be blind peer-reviewed by two other authors. All chapters must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another book, journal, or conference.

Prospective authors are required to submit the book chapter to the below link:
All book chapters should be prepared in Latex/MS Word format according to Taylor & Francis Group’s guidelines for manuscript preparation; please refer to the link below:

All questions about submissions should be emailed to Dr. Jacques Bou Abdo, University of Nebraska at Kearney, Kearney, USA. Email:

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