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AID' 2022 : 5th Artificial Intelligence Doctoral symposium


When Sep 18, 2022 - Sep 19, 2022
Where Algiers, Algeria
Submission Deadline Aug 1, 2022
Notification Due Aug 25, 2022
Final Version Due Sep 1, 2022

Call For Papers

The Laboratory of Research in Artificial Intelligence (LRIA) of the department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (IASD) at the University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene (USTHB) organizes the 5th Artificial Intelligence Doctoral symposium (AID'2022) to be held on September 18-19, 2022 in Algiers, Algeria at USTHB.

The AID'2022 is directed towards all PhD students who work on topics related to Artificial Intelligence (AI). This event serves as a venue for participants to showcase their scientific research and get an opportunity to discuss it with experts from the area. A number of guest speakers will also be invited to give talks about recent advances in AI field.

The purpose of AID'2022 is not only to provide a forum for doctoral students to present their research work, developments, and applications in the area of Artificial Intelligence but also to promote research in AI and foster scientific exchange between researchers. The best papers will be selected and their authors will be given a chance to present them at the doctoral symposium.

Prospective authors are cordially invited to submit papers in all areas related to Artificial Intelligence including, but not limited to, the following topics and applications:

. Artificial Vision and Virtual Reality
. Image and Signal Processing
. Object Detection and Recognition
. Metaheuristics and Swarm Intelligence
. Agents and Multi-agent Systems
. Machine Learning and Reinforcement Learning
. Deep learning and Transfer learning
. Data Mining, Graph Mining and Web Mining
. Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
. Social Network Mining
. Ontologies and Semantic Web
. Information Filtering, Retrieval and Foraging
. Natural Language Processing
. Speech Processing and Recognition
. Recommendation Systems
. Data Warehouse and Big Data
. IoT and Cloud Computing
. GPU/GPGPU Computing
. Quantum Computing
. Distributed Intelligence Systems
. Problem Solving and Constraint Satisfaction
. Bioinformatics and Visualization
. Reasoning under Uncertainty and Fuzzy Logic
. Game Theory
. Robotics and Industry 4.0

. Health Domain
. Industrial Application
. Covid-19
. Climate Change
. Crisis Management
. Economy and Finance
. Business Intelligence
. e-Learning
. e-Commerce
. Combinatorial Problems
. Agriculture 4.0
. Soil Mapping
. Security, Privacy, and Trust
. Timetabling and Scheduling
. Traffic and transportation systems
. Transportation problems

Prospective authors are invited to submit their papers in English, not exceeding ten (10) pages using the LNCS (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) formatting guidelines. All submissions will be reviewed by at least two program committee members and accepted papers will be published in the AID'2022 proceedings. The best presented papers will selected to be published as chapters in a book entitled "Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Applications" edited by Springer. Papers must be submitted through the EasyChair submission system in PDF format at:

For any information or inquiries related to AID'2022, please contact us at: or

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