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SI_Future_Aerial_GroundNet 2023 : CFP: CMES (WoS, IF: 2.027) Special Issue on the Issues and Challenges in Futuristic Aerial-Ground Networks


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline Feb 1, 2023
Notification Due Apr 15, 2023
Final Version Due May 15, 2023

Call For Papers


Special Issue on the Issues and Challenges in Futuristic Aerial-Ground Networks
Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Tech Science Press (WoS, IF: 2.027)


Special Issue Theme

The use of UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) has become very common in the last two decades for various application scenarios including civilian and military purposes. A UAV-mounted base station in an aerial network can be called a flying antenna which can work as a hub between the backhaul network and the access network. By backhaul, we usually mean the side of the network that communicates with the global Internet while the access network is related to the users that connects subscribers to a particular service provider or another network (or, the Internet) through a carrier network. Indeed, we have been observing various new models and integration approaches of different types of old, existing and futuristic networks. One such example is the effort of integration of aerial networks with 5G terrestrial networks. The idea is that futuristic networks would require smooth aerial-ground wireless communications for broader services. Due to the high altitude from the ground, traditional satellite communications systems such as geostationary earth orbit (GEO) and medium earth orbit (MEO) are unable to provide the desired services. However, in the recent time, there are some efforts of providing massive uninterrupted broadband wireless connectivity in 5G and beyond networks with the aid of constellation of numerous satellites in low earth orbit (LEO). While the researchers are trying to resolve various issues of inter-network communications, security, QoS (Quality of Service), latency, and so on, the aerospace network devices at high altitude platforms (HAPs), like unmanned airships or airplanes and low altitude platforms (LAPs) devices like drones, balloons, etc. can come into real help. Interestingly, while the presence of various types of radiofrequencies can support such networks, there could also be adverse health impacts of these networks (alongside the other technical issues and challenges). The question is whether the benefit outweighs the risk.

In this special issue, our objective is to collate the most recent advances in the areas of aerial-ground networks and the supporting technologies. We would like to offer a platform to the researchers to share their findings, either of concrete technical kind or survey. The topics of interest are as noted below (separately). However, this list should not be considered exhaustive.

Topics of Interest (but not limited to)

- Uninterrupted wireless connectivity via aerial network
- Security and privacy issues in aerial-ground networks
- UAV-supported reliable communication
- Convergence of heterogeneous wireless networks
- Aerial-ground network for disaster monitoring and emergency response
- Mobile communication support using aerial-ground networks
- Smart city support via aerial-ground networks
- Mobile and e-healthcare with the aid of aerial-ground networks
- Trust issues in aerial-ground networks
- Safety issues and standards for aerial-ground networks
- Disruptions/Convenience of aerial-ground networks and health impacts
- Broader wireless coverage using aerial-ground networks

Submission, Review Process and Publication

The editors keep the right to reject papers that they may deem to be out of scope of this special issue. Only original unpublished contributions and invited articles will be considered for the issue.

The papers should be formatted according to the Journal’s guidelines:

Authors should submit papers via the submission system:

During submission, please select from the section options, "Special Issue: Issues and Challenges in Futuristic Aerial-Ground Networks" to submit your manuscript to this SI.

Important Dates

Paper Submission Deadline: 01 February 2023 (Extended and Firm)
Notification: 15 April, 2023

Guest Editors

Al-Sakib Khan Pathan, PhD
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
United International University, Bangladesh

Saifur Rahman Sabuj, PhD
Department of Electronic Engineering
Hanbat National University, South Korea

Md Akbar Hossain, PhD
School of Digital Technologies
Manukau Institute of Technology, New Zealand

Lead Guest Editor

Al-Sakib Khan Pathan, Ph.D., SMIEEE
Editor-in-Chief: International Journal of Computers and Applications, Taylor & Francis, UK
Editor-in-Chief: Journal of Cyber Security Technology, Taylor & Francis, UK
Associate Editor: Connection Science, Taylor & Francis, UK ; IJCSE, Inderscience
Editor: AHSWN, Old City Publishing, USA ; IJSNet, Inderscience ; MJCS
All My Books:

Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
United International University (UIU), Dhaka, Bangladesh
Phone: (Mobile) +8801756084583
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