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AOHGIRES 2022 : Advanced Oral History Training Mastering the Interview:Techniques and Methods


When Mar 20, 2022 - Mar 20, 2022
Where Amsterdam, Virtual
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    interview   oral history   oral history project   memory

Call For Papers

Our workshop offers a step-by-step training in remote and in-person interviewing techniques. The aim is to explain all the preparations including the contact with the interviewees, the legal and ethical issues, the recording equipment that an oral historian needs in order to engage in an interview. Dr. Karatzas will guide you through the different techniques and methods of interviewing in order to cover most, if not all, possible scenarios and prepare you for the next step in your research. The training is designed in a dynamic way so it can be beneficial for all participants despite their experience in such a field. Students, young scholars independent researchers and history, culture and tradition enthusiasts are welcome in our friendly and welcoming GIRES environment.

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