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E2ECMVCS 2022 : End-to-End Compositional Models of Vector-Based Semantics | |||||||||||||||
Link: https://compositioncalculus.sites.uu.nl/workshop/ | |||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||
Call for Papers End-to-End Compositional Models of Vector-Based Semantics 15-16 August 2022 Workshop at ESSLLI 2022, National University of Ireland, Galway https://compositioncalculus.sites.uu.nl/workshop/ ## Organisation Michael Moortgat, Gijs Wijnholds (Utrecht University) ## Invited Speakers - Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh (UCL) - Richard Moot (LIRMM) - Bob Coecke (Cambridge Quantum Computing) ## Description Compositionality models the syntax-semantics interface as a structure-preserving map relating syntactic categories (types) and derivations to their counterparts in a corresponding meaning algebra. In a distributional setting, the basic building blocks are vector-based representations of word meanings (embeddings) obtained from data. These word meanings then have to be combined into meanings for larger expressions in a way that reflects the structure of their syntactic composition. The workshop focuses on *end-to-end* implementations of such vector-based compositional architectures. This means not only the elementary word embeddings are obtained from data, but also the categories/types and their internal composition so that neural methods can then be applied to learn how the structure of syntactic derivations can be systematically mapped to operations on the data-driven word representations. On the evaluation side, we welcome work on modern NLP tasks for evaluating sentence embeddings such as Natural Language Inference, sentence-level classification, and sentence disambiguation tasks. Special interest goes out to work that uses compositionality to investigate the syntactic sensitivity of large-scale language models. ## Topics The workshop welcomes but is not limited to contributions addressing the following topics: - End-to-end models of compositional vector-based semantics - Supervised and unsupervised models for wide-coverage supertagging and parsing - Approaches to learning word/sentence representations - Tasks and datasets requiring or benefiting from syntax - Analysis of model performance on syntactically motivated tasks - Multi-task learning/joint training of syntactic and semantic representations - Using compositional methods to assess neural network behaviour - Explainable models of sentence representation ## Submissions Submissions consist of papers of up to 12 pages reporting on original work that has not been published or submitted elsewhere. Each submissions will be refereed by at least two PC members. You can prepare your submission using LaTeX, using the EPTCS style available at http://www.eptcs.org, and upload the pdf to Easychair (https://www.easychair.org/my/conference?conf=e2ecompvec). Accepted contributions will be published as a volume of Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, to be made available to ESSLLI participants at the time of the event. In addition, a post-ESSLLI volume is planned with selected revised/expanded versions of workshop contributions together with reports on the results of the funding NWO project. ## Important dates - 16 May 2022: Submission deadline - 24 June 2022: Notification to authors - 8 July 2022: Final copy due - 15-16 August 2022: Workshop ## Program Committee - Gemma Boleda, Universitat Pompeu Fabra - Daisuke Bekki, Ochanomizu University - Stergios Chatzikyriakides, University of Crete - Stephen Clark, Cambridge Quantum - Bob Coecke, Cambridge Quantum - Giuseppe Greco, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - Martha Lewis, Bristol University - Michael Moortgat, Utrecht University (chair) - Richard Moot, CNRS/LIRMM Montpellier - Matthew Purver, Queen Mary University of Londen/Jožef Stefan Institute - Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh, University College of London - Gijs Wijnholds, Utrecht University (chair) ## Funding NWO project 'A composition calculus for vector-based semantic modelling with a localization for Dutch' (2017--2022), https://compositioncalculus.sites.uu.nl/project/ |