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ICOST 2022 : International Conference On Smart Living and Public Health


Conference Series : International Conference on Smart Homes and Health Telematics
When Jun 27, 2022 - Jun 30, 2022
Where Paris
Submission Deadline Mar 11, 2022
Notification Due Mar 30, 2022
Final Version Due Apr 15, 2022
Categories    artificial intelligence   deep learning   internet of things   healthcare

Call For Papers

Call for papers (Extended deadline):

19th International Conference On Smart Living and Public Health
"Participative Urban Health and Healthy Aging in the Age of AI"
27 - 30 June 2022, Paris, France (Hybrid Conference)

ICOST provides a premier venue for the presentation and discussion of research in the design, development, deployment, and evaluation of Artificial intelligence for health, Smart Urban Environments, Assistive Technologies, Chronic Disease Management, Coaching, and Health Telematics systems.

After eighteen successful conferences held in France (2003), Singapore (2004), Canada(2005), Northern Ireland (2006), Japan (2007), Singapore (2008), France (2009), Korea (2010), Canada (2011), Italy (2012), Singapore (2013), USA (2014), Switzerland (2015), China (2016), France (2017), Singapore (2018), USA (2019), and Tunisia (2020), ICOST has been established as an interdisciplinary conference for technology and public health experts to tackle emerging challenges related to AI technologies for health and wellbeing.

ICOST proceedings are of the top 25% downloads of Nature- Springer LNCS (over 400k downloads of books and chapters).

ICOST 2022 edition will be hosted by Institut Mines-Télécom, in Paris, France, from 27 to 30 June 2022. The conference theme for this year is "Participative Urban Health and Healthy Ageing in the Age of AI."

ICOST 2022 advocates an in-person conference style. However, depending on the evolution of the pandemic situation, a hybrid model could be put in place.

Submitted papers to the conference will be blind reviewed by an international committee bringing together multidisciplinary experts renowned worldwide in different fields of research (Engineering, clinical, public health, humanities, social sciences, etc.).

Accepted papers will be published by Springer as Open Access. Selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version to be published in a Special Issue of Sensors-MDPI Open-Access Journal (Impact Factor 3.031) or Frontiers in Digital Health.

## Important Dates ##

- Full Paper Submission: 11 March 2022
- Demo Proposal Submission: 11 March 2022
- Paper Acceptance Notification: 30 March 2022
- Demo Acceptance Notification: 30 March 2022
- Camera-Ready and Registration: 15 April 2022
- Conference: 27 - 30 June 2022

## Scope and Aims ##

ICOST 2022 is especially interested in receiving submissions focused on technologies, humanities, and social sciences, clinical, and public health for enhanced Well-being and Health for all nations.

ICOST 2022 topics include, but are not limited to:

Public Health Policy and Clinical Studies

- Public health and urban Data Collection and Processing
- Policy and Guidelines for Public Health and Quality of Life in Smart City
- Urban design for wellbeing and e-health
- Design and Future Urban Cities for wellbeing Health in All Policies (HiAP)
- Electronic Health Records and Standards
- E-Health and Chronic Diseases Management
- Health Technology Assessment and Impact Analysis
- Healthcare Systems Use and Evaluation
- Human Factors, Ethics and Usability of Healthcare Systems

Emerging Technologies Applied for Healthcare

- Artificial Intelligence for Participatory and Personalized Health
- Deep learning for health and wellbeing
- Big Data analytics for public health Blockchain applied for healthcare
- Internet of Things (IoT) for smart living and e-Health
- Decision Support Systems for Healthcare
- Data protection / Privacy / Security Issues

Systems and Platforms for Healthcare

- Healthcare Preventive and Predictive Systems
- Protective systems/devices against common and emerging infectious diseases.
- Pervasive Health Systems and Services
- Smart Homes / Home Networks / Residential Gateways Context Awareness / Autonomous Computing
- Wearable Sensors / Integrated Micro/Nano Systems / Health Monitoring
- Tele-Assistance and Tele-Rehabilitation
- Assistive Technology for aging and frail people
- Participatory Telehealth systems
- Trusted systems and verification for health and wellness

Human-Computer Interaction

- Human-Machine Interfaces
- Coaching and Urban Gaming for e-Health
- Virtual Personal Assistant for e-Health
- Behavior Modeling and Change
- Supportive Mobile e-Health

Robotic Solutions for Healthcare

- Collaborative Robotics (Cobots)
- Medical and Healthcare Robotics
- Diagnosis and Therapy Robotics
- Rehabilitation Robotics
- Assistance Robots
- Disability Robots
- Surgical Robots
- Personal Robotics and smart Wheelchairs

## Papers Submission ##

The submission for evaluation should be in the form of 12 pages for full papers and 4 pages for extended abstracts written in English. Submitted papers shall not exceed 12 pages and must follow the guidelines found on the conference website:

Papers must be submitted electronically in PDF and Word/Latex format at the following address:

Submitted papers will be blind reviewed by an international committee bringing together multidisciplinary experts renowned worldwide in different fields of research (Engineering, clinical, public health, humanities, social sciences, etc.).

## Publication ##

ICOST Volumes are published by Springer as part of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series which are indexed by the EI Engineering Index
(Compendex and Inspec databases), Scopus and ISI Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science (CPCI-S), included in ISI
Web of Science. The source can be found here:

Accepted papers will be published by Springer in Open Access. Selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version to be published in a Special Issue of Sensors-MDPI Open-Access Journal (Impact Factor 3.031) or Frontiers in Digital Health.

## Demo proposal Submission ##

Researchers and industry experts with significant contributions in the areas of smart cities, urban design, smart homes, health telematics, chronic disease management, and assistive technologies are encouraged to participate and present research prototypes or innovative systems to ICOST participants. ICOST 2022 invites interested researchers and industry experts to send a description of the system that will be demonstrated and a short presentation of the research teams/industrial involved in the demo. The description should be limited to one page and should be submitted to:

Authors interested in providing a short demonstration in conjunction with paper presentations should append a section in their papers with the heading: 'demonstration description' detailing the scenario to be demonstrated.

## Conference Committee ##

General Chair
Mounir Mokhtari, Institut Mines-Télécom, France

Associate Chair
Antoine De Marassé, French Ministry of Health, France

Program Committee Chairs
Bessam Abduleazak, University of Sherbrooke, Canada
Hamdi Aloulou, Digital Research Center, Sfax, Tunisia / Institut Mines-Telecom, France

Scientific Committee
Mounir Mokhtari, Insitut Mines Telecom, France
Bessam Abdulrazak, University of Sherbrooke, Canada
Sumi Helal, Lancaster University, UK
Jose Pagan, New York University, USA
Maria Teresa Arredondo, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
Maria Fernanda Cabrera, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
Dong Jin Song, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Mohamed Jmaiel, Digital Research Center of Sfax, Tunisia
Hamdi Aloulou, Digital Research Center, Sfax, Tunisia / Instit Mines Télécom, France
Jongbae Kim, Yonsei University, Korea
Timo Jämsä, Oulu University, Finland
Sungyoung Lee, Kyung Hee University, Korea
Daby Sow, IBM Watson, New York, USA
Hisato Kobayashi, Hosei University, Japan
Daqing Zhang, Telecom SudParis, France

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