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E-Vote-ID 2022 : Seventh International Joint Conference on Electronic Voting


When Oct 4, 2022 - Oct 7, 2022
Where Bregenz Austria
Submission Deadline May 15, 2022

Call For Papers


E-Vote-ID 2022

Seventh International Joint Conference on Electronic Voting
Bregenz, Austria, 4-7 October 2022

(Main Submission Date: 15 May 2022)


Twitter: @evotingcc
Hashtag: #EVoteID2022


This is the seventh edition of the leading international event for e-voting experts from all over the world, taking place in Bregenz (Austria) in October 2022.

One of E-Vote-ID’s major objectives is to provide a forum for interdisciplinary and open discussion of all issues related to electronic voting (including, but not limited to, polling stations, kiosks, ballot scanners, and Internet voting). In the first six editions, over 200 presentations were discussed, gathering more than 800 participants.

We aim for a hybrid conference. Further information will be provided during 2022. The format of the conference is a three-day meeting. No parallel sessions will be held and sufficient space will be given for informal communication.


General Chairs:
Krimmer, Robert (University of Tartu, Estonia),
Volkamer, Melanie (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany)
Duenas-Cid, David (Kozminski University, Poland and University of Tartu, Estonia)


The aim of the conference is to bring together e-voting specialists working in academia, politics, government, and industry in order to discuss various aspects of all forms of electronic voting. To address the interdisciplinary character of the conference, the conference has four tracks and a PhD colloquium:

Track 1: Security, Usability and Technical Issues
Chairs: Rønne, Peter (Université de Lorraine, LORIA, CNRS, France) and Volkamer, Melanie (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany)
Design, analysis, formal modeling or research implementation of:
- (Remote) Electronic voting protocols and systems: design and analysis;
- New types of voter identification and authentication;
- Ballot secrecy, receipt-freeness, and coercion resistance;
- End-to-end verifiability;
- Risk limiting audits;
- Requirements and formal modelling;
- Evaluation and certification, including international security standards;
- Risk assessment;
- Voter authentication;
- Human aspects of security mechanisms in electronic voting and in particular of verifiability mechanisms;
- Any other security and Human-Computer Interface (HCI) issues relevant to (remote) electronic voting.

It is important for the review process that the methodology in place is clearly described. Furthermore, it is essential that the limitations are clearly mentioned and discussed: Limitations can be that a formal proof exists only for parts of the system or for some properties, or that a mathematical proof is missing for the proposed protocol. In the context of user studies, e.g., limitations regarding the sample, the external or internal validity should be mentioned and discussed.

Track 2: Governance Issues
Chairs: Germann, Micha (University of Bath, United Kingdom) and Krimmer, Robert (University of Tartu, Estonia)
This track is intended to cover all non-technical issues that occur during the digital transformation of elections including, but not limited to the following:
- Legal, political and social issues of electronic voting implementations, ideally employing case study methodology;
- Interrelationship with, and the effects of, electronic voting on democratic institutions and processes;
- Cultural impact of electronic voting on institutions, behaviour, and attitudes of the Digital Era;
- Administrative, legal, political and social issues of electronic voting;
- Electronic voting legislation;
- Public administrations and the implementation of electronic voting;
- Understandability, transparency, and trust issues inelectronic voting;
- Data protection issues;
- Public interests vs. PPP (public private partnerships).

Track 3: Election and Practical Experiences
Chairs: Martin-Rozumilowicz, Beata (European Commission, Belgium) and Hofer, Thomas (Objectif Securité, Switzerland)
- Review developments in the area of applied electronic
- Report on experiences with electronic voting or the preparation thereof (including reports on development and implementation, case law, court decisions, legislative steps, public and political debates, election outcomes, etc.);

These experiences and practical reports need not contain original research, but must be an accurate, complete, and, where applicable, evidence-based account of the technology or system used.

Track 4: Posters and Demonstrations
Chair: Glondu, Stéphane (Institut National de Recherche en Sciences et Technologies du Numérique, France), Jurlind Budurushi (Cloudical Deutschland GmbH)

We invite Posters depicting new ideas or approaches you want to discuss with the community or summarizing papers you have published on other venues but you think are important for the E-Vote-ID community to know and to discuss. A Short Paper (see section on paper submission and proceedings) is requested. If it relates to already published papers, we ask you to provide the information where to find the original publication and whether you want the Short Paper being included in the proceedings or not (due to potential copyright restrictions of the main paper)

Further, we invite demonstrations of electronic voting systems or parts thereof. We request a Short Paper describing the main properties (type of system local/remote; kind of elections the system is intended for, e.g. legally binding elections to parliament, non-political elections within associations etc; support for voters with disabilities; which security properties are fulfilled (incl. verifiability, voter privacy, etc.; how to receive further information about the system, e.g. where the source code is published).

Track 5: PhD Colloquium
Chairs: Zollinger, Marie Laure (University of Luxembourg) and Duenas-Cid, David (Gdansk University of Technology, Poland and University of Tartu, Estonia)

The goal of the colloquium is to foster the understanding and academic quality of PhD students’ contributions in collaboration with senior researchers in the field. Further, the collaboration between PhD students from various disciplines working on e-voting is supported. To this end, the program allows plenty of space for discussion and initiating collaboration based on presentations by attendees.

Each interested participant should ideally submit their research proposal (or alternatively ideas for papers, open problems, or other issues where feedback from colleagues would be helpful etc.) in the form of an extended draft using the conference platform. High-potential master students can also submit their work to the colloquium.

The PhD Colloquium takes place on the day before the formal conference begins.


Paper Submission Types

LNCS style is used for all submissions (see the Springer guidelines at, including templates for LaTeX and Microsoft Word). All papers in the conference will be Open Access.
Paper submissions can be in the following formats:
- Full papers need to contain original unpublished research. The submission should be max 16 pages inLNCS format.
- Work-in-Progress submissions contain ongoing original research. The submission should be max 20 pages in LNCS format or max 10,000 words. Initial submissions are format-neutral. If submissions are accepted, the authors are expected to provide a short summary of their key contributions (max 4 pages in LNCS format). This submission route enables authors to receive feedback on work in progress without pre-empting publication in a different venue (e.g., an academic journal).
- Short Papers are a maximum of 4 pages long in LNCS format all-in. In Tracks 1 and 2, such papers have a smaller contribution than a full paper. All accepted contributions in tracks 3 to 5 are published as Short papers.



The E-Vote-ID conference publishes two volumes of proceedings. One volume is published with Springer LNCS proceedings and another one is published with University of Tartu Press. Both proceedings are published under open access licenses.

Selected Full papers from Track 1 (Security, Usability and Technical Issues) and Track 2 (Governance Issues) are published in the Springer LNCS proceedings. Short Papers from these tracks, as well as all contributions accepted in Tracks 3 to 5 are published in University of Tartu Press proceedings.



All submissions will be subject to double-blind reviews. Submissions must be anonymous (with no reference to the authors). Submissions are to be made using the EasyChair conference system at

During submission, please select the appropriate track or the PhD colloquium. The track chairs reserve the right to re-assign papers to other tracks in case of better fit based on reviewer feedback and in coordination with other track chairs.

When submitting, you will be asked to declare the conflicts of interest with the members of the Programme Committee in Easychair; please follow the common sense for that (e.g. because they have been co-authored a paper in the last three years, they have been in the same project, there is or was a supervision relation, or because they have the same affiliation). The members mentioned will not be involved in the review process of your paper.



The conference will be held in the Renaissance castle of Hofen at Lochau/Bregenz on the shores of Lake Constance in Austria.

Please note – the welcome reception will not take place on the evening before the first conference day, but has been combined with the poster and demo session on the evening of the first conference day on 5. October. It will be held in castle Hofen, where also the conference dinner will take place on 7. October. Notably, the conference dinner will feature the traditional “Cheese Road”!


Steering Board

The Steering Board of the conference is composed of the track chairs that served in the previous two editions. It is renewed every year. The mission of the steering board is to support the current general and track chairs with the promotion of the conference and to assist with conflicts of interest emerging as a result of current chairs submitting papers to the conference.

The current members of the Steering Board are:
Bernhard Beckert, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany,
Ralf Küsters, University of Stuttgart, Germany,
Oksana Kulyk, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark,
Uwe Serdült, Ritsumeikan University, Japan,
Mihkel Solvak, University of Tartu, Estonia,
Iuliia Krivonosova, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia.

With 2022 being the first year featuring the staggered steering board, the board this year also includes the members of the 2021 board:
Barrat, Jordi (EVOL2 – ­eVoting Research Lab, Spain)
Benaloh, Josh (Microsoft Research, USA)
Goodman, Nicole (University of Toronto, Canada)
Krimmer, Robert (University of Tartu, Skytte Institute, Estonia)
Ryan, Peter Y A (University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg)
Spycher, Oliver (Federal Chancellery, Switzerland)
Teague, Vanessa (University of Melbourne, Australia)
Volkamer, Melanie (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany)
Wenda, Gregor (Federal Ministry of the Interior, Austria)


Key Dates for Submissions

Track 1 (Security, Usability and Technical Issues) and
Track 2 (Governance Issues):
Deadline for submission of papers: 15 May 2022 at 23:59 (Hawaiian time, hard deadline, no extension. It will be possible to resubmit until 18 May 2022, but no new paper will be accepted after 15 May).
Notification of Acceptance: 24 June 2022.
Deadline for Camera-ready Paper Submissions: 24 July 2022.

Track 3 (Election and Practical Experiences) and
Track 5 (PhD Colloquium):
Deadline for submission of papers: 10 July 2022 at 23:59 (Hawaiian time, hard deadline, no extension. It will be possible to resubmit until 13 July 2022, but no new paper will be accepted after 10 July).
Notification of Acceptance: 14 August 2022.
Deadline for Camera-ready Paper Submissions: 15 September 2022.

Track 4 (Poster and Demo Session):
Submission deadline: 15 September 2022.

See more:


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