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TAROS 2022 : Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems


When Sep 7, 2022 - Sep 9, 2022
Where Culham Science Centre
Submission Deadline May 6, 2022
Notification Due Jun 10, 2022
Final Version Due Jul 15, 2022
Categories    robotics   autonomous systems   artificial intelligence   human-robot interaction

Call For Papers

UKAEA’s RACE will host the 23rd TAROS – the longest running UK-hosted international conference on Robotics and Autonomous Systems (RAS). It is aimed at the presentation and discussion of the latest results and methods in autonomous robotics research and applications.

TAROS offers a friendly environment for robotics researchers and industry to take stock and plan future progress. It welcomes senior researchers and research students alike, and specifically provides opportunities for research students and young research scientists to present their work to the scientific community.


Submissions of papers are invited in, but not limited to, the following topics and related areas:

Advanced applications of autonomous robots (industrial and research)
Advanced materials and techniques
Advanced medical robotics, robots for surgery, assistive robotics, service robotics
Applications development, hardware issues, devices and techniques, advanced sensors and actuators
Autonomous assembly robotics, autonomous vehicles
Bio-mimetic and bio-inspired robotics, bio-hybrid robotic systems, evolutionary robotics
Cognitive robotics, developmental robotics, personal robotics, robot communication and language
Ethical and societal issues in robotics, robots in education, the arts and entertainment

Flying robots (unmanned- and micro- air vehicles), space and planetary robotics
Humanoid robotics, human-robot interaction and interfaces, legged robots
Safety, verification and validation for robotic applications
Swarm robotics, collective robots, field robotics
Learning and adaptation, long-term interaction and operation, intelligent prostheses
Modelling and analysis of robot models, modular reconfigurable robots
Navigation, localization, map building and path planning, analysis of robot-environment interaction

Related Resources

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MLPRIS 2025   The 7th Int'l Conference on Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Systems
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