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JCIS 2022 : XVII Spanish Conference on Science and Service Engineering


When Sep 5, 2022 - Sep 7, 2022
Where Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Submission Deadline May 8, 2022
Notification Due Jun 10, 2022
Final Version Due Jun 20, 2022
Categories    service engineering   web engineering   business processes   internet of things

Call For Papers

XVII Spanish Conference on Science and Service Engineering (JCIS 2022)
Santiago de Compostela, Spain, September 5th - 7th 2022

We are pleased to announce the 17th edition of the Spanish Conference on Science and Service Engineering (Jornadas de Ciencia e Ingeniería de Servicios, JCIS 2022) that will be held in Santiago de Compostela in September 2022.

We are aware that the terrible situation of the last few years has marked us and most of the community is looking forward to having a meeting point; therefore, we are excited to design a conference model that tries to encourage as much attendance as circumstances allow.

Over the last few years, software services have emerged as a key factor in the growth of any developed economy. This fact has encouraged a great interest in the different economic actors to develop a "Science of Services". In this sense, University, Industry and Administration aim to create principles, knowledge, methods and techniques to articulate and express their respective responsibilities and activities around the service concept.

The Spanish Conference on Science and Service Engineering (JCIS) is a forum for dissemination, discussion and exchange of knowledge and experiences open to the different actors involved. The focus is not only on new scientific advances, but also on existing technologies in service-oriented computing and business processes, new service engineering practices and lessons learned through real experiences and case studies. In this context, JCIS brings together communities related to the following areas of interest:
- Service Engineering.
- Web Engineering.
- Business Processes.
- Cloud Computing and Services.
- Internet of Things.
- Pervasive Systems.
- Quantum Computing in Services
- Blockchain.
- Gerontechnology

The conference aims to fully embrace the interdisciplinary nature of the science and engineering of services and processes. To accommodate this diversity, the conference is structured in the following areas and forums:

This area addresses papers that investigate the underlying principles of service and/or process-oriented systems. Papers in this area are evaluated according to the application of a scientific method, including sound formalisation, convincing argumentation and, where applicable, implementation, demonstrating that the concepts can be implemented as described.

Papers should be submitted in this area if they:
- provide fundamental results on underlying principles and concepts of software systems.
- advance the state of the art through the investigation of formal methods and algorithms.
- contribute to the definition of novel concepts, languages and architectures.
- address the conceptual modelling of systems and their environment.
- investigate novel concepts through the implementation of proofs of concept in any of the areas of interest of the conference.

This area includes papers that focus on the engineering aspects of building service and/or process-oriented information systems. All work in this domain should include robust, rigorous and repeatable empirical evaluations that critically demonstrate criteria such as the usefulness or added value of the proposed artefact. This domain also covers systems in specific domains.

Papers should be submitted in this area if they:
- constitute a significant engineering, system or design contribution.
- their results are empirically evaluated in a rigorous and ideally reproducible way, e.g., using public datasets or public cloud infrastructures.
- report on a system that has been designed, with a maturity of at least a prototype, i.e., that can be evaluated in an application context in any of the conference areas of interest.

This area invites papers that aim to advance the understanding of how a service and process-oriented approach can deliver business value or competitive advantage, for example, by developing capabilities to improve, innovate or transform organisations or to address the challenges and opportunities of digitisation.

Papers should be submitted to this area if they:
- address an organisational challenge or opportunity.
- build or are based on organisational efforts that already exist in the real world.
- extend the body of knowledge to better contribute to the management of organisational strategy.
- advance the understanding or methodologies of service and process orientation to support digital innovation.
- contribute to solving societal challenges in any of the conference focus areas.

Blockchains, understood as immutable data structures that offer a high degree of reliability and security, are being applied in a multitude of domains beyond FinTech where they originated, including business processes, cloud services and the Internet of Things, among others. This forum aims to accommodate papers that focus on conceptual, technical or applicability issues between blockchain-related technologies and the areas of interest of the conference. Contributions are invited in the same modalities available for the three previous areas. The Blockchain Forum will therefore be focused as a meeting point for the community interested in blockchain, encouraging the presentation of reflections, results and experiences, whether they are incipient or already consolidated.

The ageing of the population is a global reality. The increase in life expectancy presents many opportunities for both individuals and the communities in which they live. However, these opportunities depend to a large extent on the health status of the elderly. In the coming years, ensuring that the elderly can enjoy the best possible health conditions will be one of the greatest societal challenges and technology has a very important role to play in this. The Spanish Science and Service Engineering (JCIS) community has amply demonstrated its capacity to generate knowledge that can be applied to improve the quality of life of the elderly. Therefore, this forum aims to create a meeting point for the community interested in gerontechnology.

The types of contributions that can be sent to this edition of the conference, in Spanish or English, include:
- Work in Progress. This modality is especially aimed at young researchers who want to inform the community about the course of their research, so that they can obtain guidance and establish collaborations with researchers doing related work. In order not to violate copyright, these papers must be significantly different from those already published in other forums. Papers will be formally reviewed for relevance, originality, technical quality and appropriateness to the conference themes. Submissions of long papers (8-10 pages in LNCS format) and short papers (3-4 pages in LNCS format) will be accepted.
- Reflections/Positioning Statements. This modality is aimed at researchers with a certain trajectory and perspective to provide them with the opportunity to offer reflections, discussions and points of view on the past, present or future of topics related to Service Science and Engineering. Papers will be formally reviewed to determine their suitability for the conference. The structure of the papers is open with a length between 1 and 10 pages in LNCS format. These papers will encourage a climate of discussion, with the aim of generating debate among the attendees.
- Practical experiences in the field of business and/or administration. This type of contribution aims to disseminate practical experiences of development and implementation of solutions related to the JCIS theme in the context of business and public administration. In addition, papers describing applied R&D projects or contracts with companies may also be submitted. Authors may submit an abstract (1 to 4 pages in LNCS format) and/or a presentation (5 to 10 slides). The contents of the contribution should include the background and the problem to be solved, the proposed solution and its high-level technical details and, finally, the technologies used. The summary of all accepted experiences will be published in the conference proceedings.
- Tool demonstrations. This modality is aimed at presenting prototypes or tools developed in the field of one of the areas of interest of the conference. Contributions in this modality will involve a demonstration during the conference along with a paper of 2-4 pages length in LNCS format that includes a link to a demonstration video.
- Papers already published. There are numerous papers published in leading journals and conferences that may go unnoticed by the community, as they are not reflected in the conference itself, which is more oriented towards emerging works. The aim of this type of contribution is to collect these works with a twofold goal: to publicise them within the conference itself, and to offer them as a guide and stimulus to the rest of the community. To this end, we request papers published between January 2020 and the deadline for submission of JCIS in journals indexed in JCR or proceedings of international conferences indexed in Class 1 and Class 2 of the GII-GRIN-SCIE ranking, which have not been previously sent to SISTEDES. A paper will be considered published when it has a DOI, regardless of the publication date of the journal or the corresponding conference proceedings. An abstract of one page maximum is required, indicating the title, the authors and a summary of the contribution, as well as the reference to the original publication, and a digital copy of the mentioned publication following the format available on the conference webpage (everything will be attached in the same document). Only the abstract will be published in the conference proceedings. See Section “Format and Submission of Contributions” for details about the submission.

The full conference proceedings will be published in electronic format (, with ISBN and legal deposit. To facilitate the dissemination of the papers through their inclusion in the digital library of SISTEDES and other university repositories, authors of accepted contributions will be asked to grant them a Creative Commons (CC) licence. Authors may choose any of the six existing CC licences (, but the organisation recommends the use of the “CC BY licence”.
The authors of the best papers will receive a diploma in recognition of their contribution. The best papers will also be considered for publication in a special issue of a journal.

Submission deadline: 8 May 2022
Acceptance notification: 10 June 2022
Camera-ready reception: 20 June 2022
Conference: September 5th-7th 2022

All contributions (except for already published papers) must be written in Spanish or English according to the style guidelines of the LNCS format available at:
For already published papers, they should be written in Spanish or English using the template available on the conference website:
Contributions should be sent via EasyChair ( in PDF format.
For any additional questions, please contact Elena Navarro ( with the subject [JCIS2022].

Pedro Álvarez, Universidad de Zaragoza
Valeria de Castro, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Pablo Fernández, Universidad de Sevilla
Félix García, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
Manuel Lama, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Juan Manuel Murillo, Universidad de Extremadura
Guadalupe Ortíz, Universidad de Cádiz
Juan Pavón, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Vicente Pelechano, Universitat Politècnica de València
Antonio Ruiz, Universidad de Sevilla
María Ribera Sancho, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Victoria Torres, Universitat Politècnica de València

Chair of the Steering Committee
Carlos Canal, Universidad de Málaga

Silvia Acuña, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Leire Bastida, TECNALIA Research & Innovation
Javier Berrocal, Universidad de Extremadura
Carlos Bobed, Universidad de Zaragoza
Juan Boubeta-Puig, Universidad de Cádiz
Lola Burgueño, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Javier Cámara, Universidad de Málaga
Javier Criado, Universidad de Almería
Carlos Cuesta, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Andrea Delgado, Universidad de la República - Uruguay
Gregorio Díaz-Descalzo, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
Joan Fons, Universitat Politècnica de València
José Manuel García, Universidad de Extremadura
José María García, Universidad de Sevilla
Fernando González, Universitat Politècnica de València
Laura González, Universidad de la República
David Granada, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Jordi Marco, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Germán Moltó, Universitat Politècnica de València
Manuel Mucientes, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Carlos Müller, Universidad de Sevilla
Marc Oriol, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Manuel Resinas, Universidad de Sevilla
José Raúl Romero, Universidad de Córdoba
Jennifer Pérez, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Mercedes Ruiz, Universidad de Cádiz
Juan Sánchez, Universitat Politècnica de València
Javier Troya, Universidad de Málaga
Antonio Vallecillo, Universidad de Málaga
Cristina Vicente, Universidad de Extremadura
Juan Carlos Vidal, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
(To be completed)

Dissemination Coordinator
Juan Boubeta-Puig, Universidad de Cádiz

Coordinator of the Blockchain Forum
José María García, Universidad de Sevilla

Coordinator of the Gerontechnology Forum
José Manuel García, Universidad de Extremadura

Coordinators of the Fundamentals area
Guadalupe Ortiz, Universidad de Cádiz
Javier Berrocal, Universidad de Extremadura

Coordinators of the Engineering area
Manuel Lama, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Joan Fons, Universitat Politècnica de València

Coordinators of the Management area
Juan Manuel Murillo, Universidad de Extremadura
Javier Criado, Universidad de Almería

Chair of the Programme Committee
Elena Navarro, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

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