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AIBSAT 2022 : Special Session on Artificial Intelligence for Biomedical Sensing, Analysis and Treatment


When Sep 28, 2022 - Sep 30, 2022
Where Hammamet, Tunisia
Submission Deadline Mar 15, 2022
Notification Due Apr 15, 2022
Final Version Due May 15, 2022
Categories    AI   deep learning   machine learning   bioinformatics

Call For Papers

With the rising numbers of chronic disease incidence and global population density, the demand for cost-effective healthcare is unprecedented. The Internet of Things (IoT) and sensor networks are emerging technologies of multidisciplinary approach and exceptional popularity in healthcare. The concept of the Internet of Things (IoT) is evolving exponentially and covering more and more domains every day. IoT has the potential to introduce and develop a smart world through the development of new applications in different areas such as smart homes, smart health, smart cities, industry 4.0, WSN, smart agriculture, etc. The Smart healthcare enables collection, transmission, and storage of patients’ physiological information. The remote patient monitoring can be performed via wearable sensors. These collected information’s can be stored, processed, and make it available to doctors to give a consultation at any time and from any devices that connected to the Internet.
Deep learning and artificial intelligence (AI) have emerged as irreplaceable tools for extracting relevant information from medical and healthcare data with unprecedented quantity and complexity. AI has facilitated answering critical clinical questions at sub-cellular, tissue, organ, and behavioral levels. One example is the use of deep learning in image informatics, where deep convolutional networks have significantly increased analytical performance over conventional techniques. Drug development, protein docking and structure prediction, genomics, and annotating the pathogenicity of genetic variations are some of the other applications.
Topics include but are not limited to the:
 Internet of Medical Things
 Medical image analysis
 Healthcare informatics
 Digital pathology
 Biological cell analysis
 Computational medicine
14th International Conference on Computational Collective Intelligence ICCCI 2022
28-30 September 2022, Hammamet, Tunisia
 Drug discovery
 Biomarker discovery
 Disease fingerprints
 Computational genetics
 AI/Machine learning in medicine, medically oriented human biology, and healthcare
 AI-based modeling and management of healthcare pathways and clinical guidelines
 AI-based clinical decision making
 AI in medical and healthcare education
 Natural language processing in medicine and healthcare
 Knowledge-based and agent-based systems
 Automated reasoning and meta-reasoning in medicine.
 Diagnosing of Disease Using Machine Learning in Internet of Medical Things
 Machine Learning for Biomedical Signal Processing in Internet of Medical Things
 Big Data in Internet of Medical Things
 Security and Privacy issues in Internet of Medical Things
 Blockchain for Internet of Medical Things using Artificial Intelligence
 Internet of Medical Things and Artificial Intelligence for COVID-19
This Special Session provides a forum for broad and diverse audiences to discuss recent advances, challenges, and opportunities at the nexus of AI, biomedicine, and healthcare. All submissions should refer to real-world medical domains, considered and discussed at the proper depth, from both the technical and medical points of view. We strongly encourage all submissions with a clinical assessment of the usefulness and potential impact.

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