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Web2Touch @IEEE WETICE 2022 : Web2Touch 2022: Data Science Technologies for Collective Knowledge Integration and Sharing | |||||||||||||
Link: https://sites.google.com/view/web2touch2022 | |||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||
Web2Touch 2022: Data Science Technologies for Collective Knowledge Integration and Sharing https://sites.google.com/view/web2touch2022 Conference Track @ 31th IEEE WETICE 2022 29 June - 1 July, 2022 in Stuttgart, Germany =================================================================== (((( CALL FOR PAPERS )))) Objectives ========== Web2Touch (W2T) is since 2008 an open forum to discuss solutions, based on advanced Web technologies, for relevant themes to society, such as education, social inclusion and health. New advances in Web-based systems are the driver for changes in cooperative activities occurring in smart environments, communities, urban and rural areas, where human tasks are more and more performed via the Internet and the Web. Both Web practitioners and ordinary users are exploiting in rapidly-varying ways the richness of Web platforms to support a multitude of activities, from daily operations to strategic decision making. The focus of the track is on knowledge acquisition, interlinking, disambiguation, refinement, validity and maintenance. Such topics currently rely on massive data and rely on Data Science techniques employing the Web, the Internet, Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Management under the ‘no harm’, safety, security, privacy and ethics principles. W2T deepens the concept of working and learning together by exploring decision assistance, collective intelligence, smart environments, intentions-based analysis, and other collaborative web-based ways of problem solving. In the urban scenario, for example, Internet of Everything (IoE) systems are currently able to capture massive data collections describing urban environments as well as citizen exploitation and perception of available services. In health care systems, for instance, digital health knowledge allows storing a variety of information about patients as adopted treatments and monitored physiological conditions, while the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) ensures the availability and processing of healthcare data through smart medical devices and the web. Moreover, in most domains, cooperation plays a crucial role in generating data, specifying knowledge, driving a user and context aware analysis process, and finally demanding an easily accessible and understandable knowledge at the end of the process. W2T aims at exploring the state-of-the-art on these topics and users’ practical experiences, as well as trends and research, paving the way for cutting-edge collaborative approaches to knowledge engineering and sharing. In the previous editions of W2T, best papers were published in International Journals, such as Journal of Web Portals (2011 and 2013), Concurrency and Computation and Collaborative Enterprise (2013), Future Generation Computer Systems (2015 and 2016), and Springer Nature Computer Science (2019, 2020). Topics Covered ============== W2T concerns improvements to cooperative work obtained through enhanced acquisition, organization and management of knowledge. Examples are data science models and tools to represent adaptive, dynamic and shared-knowledge context-aware Web applications, new domains of application of semantic techniques, such as Industry 4.0, Big Data, social networks, IoE, enhanced connectivity, and mobile technologies. W2T is also about practical experiences in both well established and emerging interdisciplinary applications, including eHealth, smart cities and companies, eLearning, and digital cultural heritage. Contributions addressing one or more of the following topics are expected: + Knowledge Acquisition, Representation, Refinement and Validity - Knowledge engineering and reuse - Ontology alignment, validation and fusion - Data interlinking, validation and fusion - Knowledge and data quality assessment - Machine learning approaches for knowledge graph refinement + Shared and collaborative knowledge management - Data integration from and across different sources and formats/semantics including Big Data, linked open data, crowdsourced data, social data, knowledge networks data - Crowdsourcing techniques for semantic collaboration and platform self-maintenance - Semantics in mobile Web, wearable devices, edge computing, cross-device content management and delivery - Semantic annotations, ‘semantifying’ collaborative Web sources and semantic technologies for information Extraction Transformation and Loading (ETL) - Knowledge extraction for data integration and interlinking by means of (interpretable) machine learning techniques + Collaborative Web engineering and applications - Experiences and best practices in the Web for collaborative work and business - Collaborative Web in Data Science, Data quality, privacy and ethics/fairness in cooperative Web-based predictions and decision making - Experiences derived from the analysis of publicly available datasets Important Dates =============== - Submission deadline: March 11th, 2022 - Notification to authors : April 1st, 2022 - Camera ready submission : May 6th, 2022 - Authors registration deadline: May 6th, 2022 - Conference: June 29th—July 1st, 2022 Chairs ====== Rodrigo BONACIN, CTI, Brazil Mariagrazia FUGINI, Politecnico di Milano, Italy Riccardo MARTOGLIA, UniMoRe, Italy Olga NABUCO, CTI, Brazil Fatiha SAIS, Paris Saclay University, France Program Committee ================= Weronika T. ADRIAN, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland Frederic ANDRES, National Institute of Informatics, Japan Ismael BOUASSIDA, ReDCAD, University of Sfax, Tunisia Sylvie CALABRETTO, LIRIS, INSA Lyon, France Jarbas Lopes CARDOSO JUNIOR, CTI, Brazil Wojciech CELLARY, Poznan University of Economics, Poland Raja CHIKY, ISEP, France Antonio Carlos Theophilo COSTA JUNIOR, CTI, Brazil Marcos DA SILVEIRA, LIST, Luxembourg Katia Regina Evaristo DE JESUS, Embrapa, Brazil Pilar M.GUERRIERI, Politecnico di Milano, Italy Julio Cesar DOS REIS, Computer Science Institute, Unicamp, Brazil Yucong DUAN, CS Department, Hainan University, China Emna HACHICHA BELGHITH, Ecole Francaise d'Extreme Orient, France Umair ul HASSAN, The Insight Centre for Data Analytics, Ireland Sergio ILARRI, University of Zaragoza, Spain Anum JAVAID, National University of Sciences & Technology, Pakistan Manuela MONTANGERO, UniMoRe, Italy Dilvan MOREIRA, ICMC, USP, Brazil Cedric PRUSKI, LIST, Luxembourg Gianluca QUERCINI, Centrale-Supelec, France Joe RAAD, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands Ivan RICARTE, FT-Unicamp, Brazil Ferrucio De Franco ROSA, CTI, Brazil Ramon SALVADOR VALLES, UPC-Barcelona Tech, Spain Lina SOUALMIA, Universite de Rouen et CHU de Rouen, France Mahsa TEIMOURIKIA, Intact DataLab, Canada Virginie THION, Universite Rennes 1, France Paper Submission ================ Papers submitted to W2T 2022 must be written in English, formatted according to IEEE WETICE 2022 instructions (https://wetice2022.svccomp.de/), and submitted in PDF format. Papers should be up to six (6) pages (including figures, tables and references) for full papers, four (4) pages for short papers. Papers should contain original contributions not published or submitted elsewhere. Papers have to be submitted through Easychair (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ieeewetice2022). Consider rodrigo.bonacin@gmail.com, olgafernanda@gmail.com and mariagrazia.fugini@polimi.it for your questions. |