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CUI 2022 : 4th International Conference on Conversational User Interfaces


When Jul 26, 2022 - Jul 28, 2022
Where Glasgow, Scotland
Submission Deadline Feb 23, 2022
Notification Due Apr 6, 2022
Final Version Due May 11, 2022
Categories    NLP   computational linguistics   artificial intelligene

Call For Papers

4th International Conference on Conversational User Interfaces. Glasgow, Scotland, July 26-28 2022 -

There has been an increasing interest in language-based interactions with technology. Driven by the commercial success of intelligent personal assistant devices such as Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant, the number of natural language and conversation-based interactions is growing in commercial settings. Following the successful inaugural ACM In-Cooperation conference in 2019 and the virtual conferences in 2020 and 2021, CUI 2022 aims to further develop a collaborative community around human-computer interaction issues in speech and language technology, with a specific interest in theory-based and applied scientific issues in the field of speech and text-based conversational user interfaces. Thus CUI 2022 further looks to bring together relevant communities (e.g., ISCA, ACM SIGCHI, CogSci, CHIIR), to publish, disseminate and showcase high-quality cutting-edge research related to the field, promote insight and debate in this exciting and essential discipline within language interfaces.

Topics relevant to the conference include, but are not limited to:

voice user experience
speech interfaces
speech interface theory development
conversational interaction through technology
text-based conversational interfaces
speech synthesis
speech recognition
dialogue management
conversational interface design insights
methods for conversational user interface development and evaluation
multimodal interaction involving speech, text or other language based interfaces
conversational information seeking and search

We invite the submission of full research papers, describing original work that has not been previously published, not accepted for publication elsewhere, and not simultaneously submitted or currently under review in another journal or conference (including the other tracks of CUI 2022). We particularly encourage the submission of high quality replication studies in addition to well-designed studies with null results.

Full papers are original contributions from a broad range of disciplines including: human-computer interaction, computer science, engineering, speech technology, linguistics, psychology, cognitive sciences, sociology and other cognate disciplines. We encourage in person attendance and presentations from authors, but remote presentations options will be available.


Submissions of full research papers must be in English, in PDF format, anonymized, and approximately 6,000 words (including figures, tables, proofs, appendixes, and any other content excluding references and acknowledgments). Suitable LaTeX, Word, and Overleaf templates are available from the ACM Website (Word users should use “Submission Template”, LaTeX users should use the “manuscript” document class in the Master Article Template). ACM’s CCS concepts and keywords are not required for review but may be required if accepted and published by the ACM.

For LaTeX, the following should be used:

`\documentclass[manuscript, review, anonymous]{acmart}`

Each paper will be peer reviewed by three expert reviewers. Submissions must be made through EasyChair (link). Accepted papers will be available online and given an oral presentation slot at the conference. At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the conference.

NEW REVIEW PROCESS: For 2022 the review process will be slightly modified, transitioning away from a submit-review-rebut process. Instead, a shepherding process is introduced that implements a “light revise & resubmit”. With this, we expect to further increase the quality of the CUI proceedings, while at the same time reducing the burden on both authors and reviewers. Papers for which there is a very high agreement among reviewers regarding recommendation for inclusion in the proceedings will receive early acceptance decisions and will no longer be required to submit a rebuttal (this is the equivalent of “conditionally accepted”). A small number of papers that may require further revisions will be shepherded (equivalent to major revisions or light revise & resubmit), with 3 weeks allocated for authors to coordinate the revisions with the associated chair (AC) coordinating each paper. This may include targeted revisions to specific parts of the original submission addressing the most significant points raised by the reviewers, or alternative forms as deemed appropriate by the AC (such as a detailed proposal of how such revisions may be carried out -- details that the previous rebuttal would not have had the space for).

Important dates

Submissions due: Wednesday 23rd February 2022 Wednesday 2nd March 2022 (Extended Deadline)

Early decision notification: Wednesday 6th April 2022

Shepherding: Wednesday 6th - 20th April 2022

Notifications for shepherding papers: Wednesday 27th April 2022

Camera ready due: Wednesday 11th May 2022

Conference date: 26th-28 July 2022

All deadlines are at 23:59 Anywhere on Earth

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