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12th Genealogies of Memory 2022 : 12th Genealogies of Memory: 12th Genealogies of Memory: History and Memory in International Relations


When Oct 26, 2022 - Oct 28, 2022
Where Warsaw (hybrid form)
Submission Deadline Aug 14, 0033
Categories    history   international relations   memory   international politics

Call For Papers

Memory and history have always played an important role in diplomacy. However, only in recent years have growing numbers of scholars begun to integrate memory and the use of history into the theories of international relations (IR), a trend most noticeable among constructivists (Langenbacher and Shain, 2010; Perchoc, 2013, Ociepka, 2017). This turn has been partly influenced by the expanding body of research devoted to memory in both theoretical and historical contexts, which has largely centred around the memory of the Second World War and the Holocaust (among others: Cichocka et al., 2005; Assmann 2008; Memory and Change, 2016; Łuczewski, 2017), but it has also been triggered by the increasing importance of memory and identity politics worldwide (Fukuyama 2018; Wang 2018).

State and non-state actors utilise history and memory as political instruments for the furthering of international relations and foreign policy. Such tools serve – among other purposes – as ways of legitimising one’s actions and projecting a desirable image abroad, including through the formation of memory alliances and use of memory exports (McGlynn, 2021). To achieve these ends, mnemonic actors often (ab)use the past, even disseminating historical disinformation. Cultural and collective memories of traumatic pasts have proven to be especially fertile ground for such political instrumentalisation, leading to numerous conflicts of memory in Europe and beyond.
On the other hand, history can also serve as a means of reconciliation, with even difficult pasts providing platforms for dialogue through public apologies, truth and reconciliation commissions or international textbooks (Korostelina, Lässig, 2013, Rosoux, 2009). Moreover, memory has wielded an important influence over innumerable fields, from international law, through public discourse, to even seemingly unrelated areas, such as climate security (Fonseca, 2014). Given this expansive reach, there is considerable scope for further research into the influence of history and memory related issues on IR, particularly in terms of academic conceptualisations, methodological approaches and relevance to policy making.
The conference organisers would therefore like to invite contributions from scholars working at the intersection of diplomacy, history, memory studies, political studies, colonial studies, and adjacent fields. We would like to discuss how memory influences IR, how various actors around the world use the past, how such uses are likely to develop in the future, and which methodologies are best suited to the study of how memory influences IR. Consequently, we will especially welcome papers that focus on new and innovative methodologies for researching the following questions: Will the growing importance of memory in IR ultimately lead to new confrontations? Given our globalised and interconnected world, is it still possible to talk of ‘domestic’ memory politics? Which images and narratives do countries and other actors adopt in their foreign memory politics? How do various actors (ab)use and appropriate historical narratives for their own purposes? How can memory diplomacy reflect or incorporate the ambiguity of the past, where every society assumes elements of both victim and perpetrator, thus is it possible to combine objective historical research and effective memory diplomacy? How can memory diplomacy support reconciliation? What is the role of various non-state actors in conducting both memory politics and public diplomacy?

About Genealogies of Memory
The ENRS is an international initiative whose main objective is to facilitate the discussion on the 20th-century history of Europe. Our activities feature a range of projects for the academic community, including the Genealogies of Memory ( seminars and conferences. Held annually in Warsaw since 2011, the series helps strengthen the academic exchange between scholars from East-Central Europe and their Western counterparts. It also creates opportunities for the younger generation of memory scholars to network with more established researchers and academics.

Organisational information

The conference will take place in Warsaw on 26–28 October 2022 in a hybrid format with possible online participation.

We encourage applicants to send us:
1. Abstracts (maximum 300 words)
2. Brief biographical statements
3. Scans/photos of the signed Consent Clause

Please send the required documents to by 28 February 2022.

Applicants will be notified of the results by 15 June. Written draft papers (2,000–2,500 words) should be submitted by 15 September 2022.

There will be an opportunity to publish some revised and extended papers in an edited volume, most probably through the book series European Remembrance and Solidarity developed by the ENRS and Routledge.

The organisers might cover accommodation expenses for the participants; reimbursement of travel expenses will be based on an application process. We will prioritise applications from early career researchers lacking support from their home institutions.

The conference language is English.

Conference Committee

Conference Convenors:
Dr Bartosz Dziewanowski-Stefańczyk (ENRS, Institute of History, Polish Academy of Sciences)
Dr Jade McGlynn (Middlebury Institute of International Studies)

Programme Coordinators:
Dr Małgorzata Pakier (ENRS),
Prof. Joanna Wawrzyniak (University of Warsaw)

Organiser: European Network Remembrance and Solidarity (ENRS)

Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, Seton Hall University
College of Europe in Natolin, Warsaw
Faculty of Sociology, University of Warsaw
Oxford School of Global and Area Studies

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