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EDOC 2022 : Enterprise Design, Operation and ComputingConference Series : Enterprise Distributed Object Computing | |||||||||||||||
Link: http://edocconference.org/2022 | |||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||
26th International EDOC Conference (EDOC 2022)
Enterprise Design, Operations and Computing 3-7 October 2022, Bozen-Bolzano, Italy http://edocconference.org/2022 CALL FOR PAPERS EDOC 2022 is the 26th conference in the EDOC series (http://edocconference.org/) that provides a key forum for researchers and practitioners in the field of Enterprise Computing. EDOC addresses the full range of models, methodologies, and engineering technologies contributing to building and evolving intra- and inter-enterprise software systems. From 2022 on, EDOC will be spelled-out "Enterprise Design, Operations and Computing" to reflect the broad range of aspects of interest to the conference. EDOC 2022 will be collocated with the 28th International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS), and will take place in the beautiful region of South Tyrol in the Italian Alps. EDOC 2022 calls for contributions with a special emphasis on the theme of designing and operating "Flexible Enterprises". This year's theme reflects an ever changing world under the influence of disruptive events, trends and technologies, as well as the increasing role of artificial intelligence. In this context, new concepts and approaches are required: (a) to address pressing challenges in domains like healthcare, advanced manufacturing, finance, environmental management and sustainable agriculture, supply chain management and others, while ensuring compliance with ethical and legal principles, as well as long-term interoperability and resilience of enterprise systems; and (b) to leverage technologies such as digital twins, machine learning, IoT, big data analytics, distributed ledgers/blockchain in trusted enterprise practices. A particular challenge of interest in this scenario is the combined use of data-driven approaches (including machine learning) and other AI techniques with established modeling approaches for Enterprise Computing (including Enterprise Architecture Modeling, Business Process Modeling, Model-Driven Enterprise Systems Engineering, Conceptual Modeling, etc.) towards "augmented" enterprise systems. EDOC 2022 welcomes high-quality scientific submissions as well as experience papers on enterprise computing from industry. Expert panel discussions and keynotes will address current topics and issues in this domain. (A separate call-for-papers will be issued for a demonstration track, a doctoral consortium and specific workshops.) TOPICS Suggested topics include, but are not limited to: * Enterprise and Systems Architecture - Methods, Frameworks and Tools supporting Architecture - Reference Architectures, Architecture Conceptualisation & Evaluation - System architectures - Interoperability and collaboration - Cloud computing and the evolution of enterprise architectures * Service-Oriented IT- and Enterprise Architectures - Service composition, orchestration and choreography - Quality of Service (QoS) and Cost of Service (CoS) - Governance in Service-oriented architectures (SOA/SOEA) - Service policies, contract definition and enforcement - Flexibility and Sustainability - Cloud-based IT and Enterprise Architectures * Software Architecture & Engineering - Software engineering methods for enterprise computing - Software architecture modeling approaches - Analysis and design techniques for non-functional requirements - Architectures for cyber-physical systems - Security in software intensive enterprise-systems * Model Based Enterprise Engineering - Model-driven architectures and software development - Modeling based on domain specific languages (DSL) - Domain specific reference models - Approaches based on reference architectures - Methodologies for the construction of digital twins * Enterprise Security - Sensing and Awareness - Threat modeling, attack simulation, intrusion detection and prevention - Access control & SOA security - Blockchain and enterprise security * Business Process and Business rules - Process modeling, verification, configuration, architectures and implementations - Process mining and business analytics - Cloud impact on BPM, business processes in the cloud - Business process agility/flexibility and decision management - Business rule languages and engines, process compliance - Robotic process automation - Data processing pipelines and workflows * Semantics and Information Management - Business object modeling methodologies and approaches - Taxonomies, ontologies and business knowledge integration - Enterprise ontologies - Master data management, data mining and (real-time) data warehousing, data lakes - Complex event processing and event-driven architectures - Data quality and trustworthiness - Combining data-driven and symbolic modeling approaches SUBMISSION GUIDELINES Two types of submissions are solicited: a) scientific research papers, and b) industry experience reports or case studies. Scientific papers should describe original results, not having been accepted or submitted for publication elsewhere. These papers will be peer reviewed based on their scientific and technical contribution, originality, and relevance. Industry experience reports should provide insights into applying enterprise computing technology in practice, feedback about the state of practice, and/or pose challenges for researchers. These reports must be based on actual implementation and have at least one author with industry affiliation. These papers will be evaluated based on appropriateness, significance, and clarity. All papers will be refereed by at least 3 members of the international programme committee. The proceedings will be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. Full papers should follow the Springer LNCS style (see https://www.springer.com/gp/computer-science/lncs/conference-proceedings-guidelines). The page limit for submitted papers (as well as for final, camera-ready papers) is 16 pages (including references). An Overleaf LaTeX template is available for your convenience (https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/springer-lecture-notes-in-computer-science/kzwwpvhwnvfj#.WuA4JS5uZpi). Each paper must have one of its authors registered to EDOC’22 before the camera ready deadline. The organizers reserve the right to remove a paper from the proceedings if no author is registered by the camera ready deadline. Only papers presented during the conference will be published in the proceedings. Papers should be submitted at https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=edoc2022 *If you are a returning contributor to EDOC, please note the paper format change as well as the adoption of a strict deadline policy and mandatory abstract submission.* POST-CONFERENCE PUBLICATION The authors of selected papers will be invited to prepare a substantially revised and extended version to a Special Issue in Elsevier's Information Systems (JCR 2020 Impact Factor 2.309). IMPORTANT DATES Mandatory abstract submission (strict deadline): 20 May 2022 Full paper submission (strict deadline): 27 May 2022 Full paper notification: 4 July 2022 Workshop paper submission deadline: 6 July 2022 Workshop paper notification: 10 August 2022 Camera ready paper & author registration (main conference and workshops): 15 August 2022 Conference dates: 3-7 October 2022 |