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Fintech and green investment 2022 : Call for book chapters: “Fintech and green investment: Transforming challenges into opportunities” to be published by World Scientific Publishing, December 2022


When Jan 30, 2022 - Apr 30, 2022
Where New Zealand
Submission Deadline Apr 30, 2022
Notification Due Apr 30, 2022
Final Version Due Dec 30, 2022
Categories    1373   660   6080   449

Call For Papers


Call for book chapters:
“Fintech and green investment: Transforming challenges into opportunities” to be published by World Scientific Publishing, December 2022

Cuong Nguyen, Lincoln University, Lincoln, Canterbury, New Zealand
Khanh Hoang, National Economics University, Hanoi, Vietnam
Christopher Gan, Lincoln University, Lincoln, Canterbury, New Zealand

Book description:
Investment has undergone significant changes over the past years, focusing on mitigation of the effects of climate change. Green investment with a focus on promoting environmentally friendly practices and the conservation of natural resources has become the agenda of institutions worldwide. However, simply allocating funds to green investments does not necessarily mitigate climate change risk. The transitional process requires a major reorientation of public and private investment away from emission-intensive activities to those that support and catalyze low-emission activities. This also highlights the critical role of governments in strengthening domestic policy frameworks that support green growth, the central banks’ regulations towards green investment, climate change, resilience to disasters and health crises, and international cooperation on environmentally sustainable development and green economy.

The world economy is now witnessing positive signs of financial markets, businesses, and the international community moving toward sustainable development. Countermeasures to climate change risk are made to help motivate businesses to hedge the risk and provide them with access to green finance. Green finance has been booming after the COP26 event at Glasgow in October 2021, thus bringing forth a promising future of green investment worldwide. It is not exaggerating to say that green investment and green finance are now firmly center stage in the world economy.

Alongside the global surge in green investment, the acceleration of digital transformation has led to the increasing applications of financial technologies into every aspect of life and work, especially during the COVID‒19 pandemic. Given the rising global attention toward fintech during the last few years and the recent explosion in the cryptocurrency and non-fungible token markets, fintech has become a popular term worldwide yet remains under-researched. Novel technologies, such as blockchain, artificial intelligence, the internet of things, and big data enable us to solve problems in innovative ways. These technologies, through fintech firms, have the potential to transform the current challenges in green investment/finance and sustainability into opportunities that might help avoid the negative impact of climate change.

This book aims to provide insights into the challenges and opportunities of the transitional process to green investments through the fintech revolution. Therefore, this book welcomes contributions in the forms of scientific articles, case studies, research notes, and letters that cover all primary areas of finance and is centered around (but not limited to) the following key themes:

- Fintech
- Blockchain and its implications
- Green fintech
- Green start-ups and green businesses
- Energy finance
- Environmental finance
- Green finance
- Green bonds
- Green investments
- Social responsibility
- Green growth
- Green policy and uncertainty
- Big data
- Artificial intelligence
- Internet of things
- Web 3.0
- Sustainable financial services

These abovementioned themes will be categorized into four major parts of the book as follows:
• Digitalization and Green Investment: This part discusses the challenges that we are facing to shift to green investment along with the process of digital transformation. This could be the problems with transaction costs, investment size, the shortage of green assets, or the absence of regulatory and legal frameworks. It can be extended to the changes in financial services, asset management, capital markets, insurance, and banking regarding digital sustainability.
• Fintech Innovations and The Potential for Green Investment: This part aims to analyze how fintech innovations can solve the problems in green investment. The topics can be the role and impact of distributed ledger technology on investment, how quantum computing or the internet of things will change our finance services toward sustainability, how tokenization can enhance transparency, and how the acceptance of digital currencies can change our investment behavior.
• Looking Forward to Future Trends: This part looks forward to the novel development or combinations of technologies in the future to address the problems in green investment. It will cover the development of responsible artificial intelligence and the internet of things, data for sustainability, green investment law enforcement, fintech ecosystems, tokenized securities and new investment instruments toward green investment, etc.
• Reflections from the Real World: This part welcomes case studies or showcases of fintech products in green finance.

The editors welcome case studies, conceptual papers as well as empirical research. We invite prospective contributors to submit chapter proposals of 1‒2 pages long before April 30, 2022. A typical chapter proposal should include a title, an abstract, and a tentative outline that clearly explain the chapter’s purpose, scope, and expected contents of the proposed chapter. At this stage, submissions of full chapters are highly encouraged. All full chapter and chapter proposal submissions will go through a fast-track blind review process.

Important dates:
Deadline for proposal submission: April 30, 2022
Notification of proposal acceptance: within 2 weeks following the submission
Submission of full chapters: July 30, 2022
Revised chapter submission: August 31, 2022
Book publication: December 2022/ January 2023

For inquiries about this call for chapters, please send an email with “Book chapter: Fintech and Green investment” in the subject headline to any of the following editors:

Dr. Cuong Nguyen –
Dr. Khanh (Harry) Hoang –
Dr. Christopher Gan –

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