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XAI-Healthcare 2022 : XAI-Healthcare 2021 : eXplainable Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare workshop


When Jun 11, 2022 - Jun 11, 2022
Where Rochester, Minnesota
Submission Deadline Mar 1, 2022
Notification Due Mar 15, 2022
Final Version Due Mar 30, 2022
Categories    explainable artificial intelli   artificial intelligence   healthcare

Call For Papers

The purpose of XAI-Healthcare 2022 event is to provide a place for intensive discussion on all aspects of eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) in the medical and healthcare field. This should result in cross-fertilization among research on Machine Learning, Decision Support Systems, Natural Language, Human-Computer Interaction, and Healthcare sciences. This meeting will also provide attendees with an opportunity to learn more on the progress of XAI in healthcare and to share their own perspectives. The panel discussion will provide participants with the insights on current developments and challenges from the researchers working in this fast-developing field.


We expect the contributions received to describe explanation methods, AI techniques and a targeted healthcare problem. Some examples are provided below for guidance, but the list of topics is not limited to these specific methods, techniques and problems.

Explanation Approaches:
Model agnostic methods
Feature analysis
Visualization approaches
Example-based Explanations
Fairness, accountability and trust
Evaluating XAI
Fairness and Bias auditing
Human-AI interaction
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) for XAI
Natural Language Processing (NLP) Explainability

AI techniques:
Blackbox ML approaches: DL, random forest, etc.
Interpretable ML models: Rules, Trees, etc.
Statistical methods
Case-based reasoning

Target healthcare problems:
Infection challenges (COVID, Antibiotic Resistance, etc.)
Trustworthy AI
Chronic diseases
Ageing & home care


Papers should be submitted to the XAI-Healthcare Easy Chair Website at Papers should be formatted according to IEEE Proceedings Format (

The workshop features regular papers in a single category: short papers (up to 6 pages) describing either original research projects or work-in-progress.

All accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings which will be published in arXiv after the papers are presented.

Best papers presented will be invited to extend their manuscript for possible publication in the Special Issue on XAI at theJournal of Healthcare Informatics Research (IF 1.3)

Primoz Kocbek, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Maribor [contact] (
Jose M. Juarez, Faculty of Computer Science, University of Murcia [contact] (
Gregor Stiglic, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Maribor [contact] (
Christopher C. Yang, College of Computing & Informatics, Drexel University (
Huang Zhengxing, Faculty of Biomedical Engineering, Zhejiang University[contact] (


This workshop will be organized as a face-to-face event, but if needed it can be altered to a hybrid format allowing both face-to-face as well as online participation if needed

XAI-Healthcare will include paper presentations and invited talks related to the workshop topics listed above. All submitted papers will be subject to a review by the workshop Program Committee. Based on the number of high-quality submissions we will define the length of the presentations that will be followed by time for questions and discussion from the audience.

We plan to invite an expert researcher in the XAI field to give a keynote talk as well as a panel discussion together with the organisers and the attendees.

Related Resources

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