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Electronics 2022 : Electronics Special Issue on New Trends for High-Performance Computing


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline Jul 1, 2022
Categories    high-performance computing   distributed systems   big data analytics   big data management & storage

Call For Papers

Dear Colleagues,

The open-access journal Electronics (indexed within SCI and EI) is pleased to announce that we are running a Special Issue entitled "New Trends for High-Performance Computing". Given the depth of your expertise in this field, we would like to cordially invite you to contribute an Article/Review to the Special Issue. For more information, please visit the Special Issue website at:

The submission deadline is July 1st, 2022. All papers will be peer-reviewed as soon as submitted. The editorial decision will be made about 35 days after submission, on average. The accepted papers will be published continuously in this Special Issue as soon as accepted, irrespective of the submission deadline, and will be listed together on the Special Issue website.

We are confident that a submission from you would attract more experts to publish their high-quality papers in Electronics, enhancing the journal's reputation in the various fields within its scope. More details about the journal can be found at:

Please feel free to let me know if you are interested in contributing to this Special Issue. I look forward to seeing this Special Issue come together with your valuable research!

Kind regards,
Xin Liang and Dingwen Tao

Co-Guest Editors

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