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InteractiveHPC 2022 : Fifth International Workshop on Interactive HPC


When Jun 2, 2022 - Jun 2, 2022
Where Congress Center Hamburg, Messe Hamburg
Submission Deadline Mar 24, 2022
Notification Due Apr 14, 2022
Final Version Due May 10, 2022
Categories    high performance computing   interactive computing   supercomputers   workflows

Call For Papers

Held In conjunction with ISC22, June 2, 2022 at the Congress Center Hamburg, Messe Hamburg, Germany

Twitter: @interactivehpc

Submission deadline: March 24, 2022 (AOE)
Author notification: April 14, 2022

We invite submission of 6-12 page papers that will be peer reviewed. We welcome original research, work-in-progress papers, and position papers related to the interactive usage of high-performance computing. Accepted authors will both be invited to speak at the workshop and to submit their papers for publication in ISC22 workshop proceedings.

Special Note: A portion of the workshop will be allocated to drafting a position paper on the state of practice of interactive HPC, and invite attendees to contribute. This paper will explain opportunities and challenges from the perspectives of users, administrators, and system technologies; overview significant accomplishments in research demonstrations, and prototypes; and discuss future research directions for interactive HPC.

Interactive exploration and analysis of large data sets, intelligent simulation workflows that combine interactive analysis and AI techniques with modeling and simulation, interactive preparation and debugging of large-scale scientific simulations, in-situ visualization, and application steering are all compelling scenarios for High Performance Computing systems. However, a range of technical, organizational, and sociological challenges must be overcome to make these interactive workflows mainstream in HPC centers: What simulation scenarios or problem domains can benefit most from interactivity? How can we simplify the toolchain? What center policies are needed to support highly interactive workflows? The goal of this workshop is to bring together domain scientists, tool developers, and HPC center administrators to identify the scientific impact and technical challenges of highly interactive access to HPC resources.

Call for Papers
We invite you to submit 6-12 page papers detailing original work or work in progress. Position papers are also welcome. Appropriate topic areas include:

* Systems software: Tools and environments for interactive use of HPC
* Workflow and data driven approaches for HPC
* Use cases, user stories, and user demos of interactivity in supercomputing
* Implementation experiences and lessons learned by staff at HPC centers
* Maintaining security while providing interactivity in supercomputing
* Managing resource allocation (static or dynamic) for interactive use
* Role of edge services in support of interactive supercomputing
* Networking challenges in interactive supercomputing (internal,
external, SDN, etc.)
* Strategies for leveraging interactivity for reproducible science
* Impact of increased interactivity on how HPC centers operate
* Hybrid interactive/non-interactive workflows on supercomputers
* Interactive supercomputing for real-time experimental data analysis
* Intelligent simulation workflows that utilize interactive analytics or
AI techniques to optimize, enhance, or otherwise improve modeling and
simulation results and performance

Paper Submission Guidelines
Please submit 6-12 page papers on original work, work-in-progress, or position papers. All papers should be formatted according to Springer LNCS guidelines (see and submitted via EasyChair at

Authors of selected papers will be invited to speak at the workshop and to submit their papers for publication in ISC22 workshop proceedings.

Our contact details are available on the workshop webpage at

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