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MOBILESoft Industry 2022 : MOBILESoft 2022 Industry Forum


When May 22, 2022 - May 23, 2022
Where Online
Submission Deadline Feb 4, 2022
Notification Due Mar 4, 2022
Final Version Due Mar 31, 2022

Call For Papers

Call for Abstracts
MOBILESoft has decided to introduce an industry forum this year! Setup to occur as a 4 hour workshop, this track will include a series of lightning talks followed by a panel discussion and group-based activity.

The industry forum of MOBILESoft invites submissions from authors interested in giving a 10-minute lightning talk about their work in implementing Artificial Intelligence (AI) in mobile apps or adopting AI to support mobile app development and testing process. We welcome contributions related to current challenges and strategies used, and what to look ahead to in the future of AI in mobile development. This can include technological advancements, advancements in machine learning approaches, design and implementation methods, user interfaces and HCI.

We solicit 1-page abstracts providing a summary of what will be shared in the 10-minute lightning talk. This should include the title of talk, name and affiliation of each presenter and should summarize the key points, and why it’s interesting to researchers and practitioners. Each selected talk will be a 10 minute presentation accompanied with a 5 minute Q&A. Paper should not have been published elsewhere or is under review elsewhere while being considered at MOBILESoft. We invite contributions from both academia and industry. A summary from the industry forum will be written up as an article at a digital venue (e.g., ACM Interactions). Accepted abstracts will be allowed to be published at the MobileSoft Companion proceedings (as extended abstract in 2 pages).

Submission Instructions
There are no specific formatting instructions, but all submissions must be in PDF. We have a strict page limit, submissions that do not conform to this requirement will be desk rejected before the review process.

Content will be reviewed by a committee, where authors can expect to receive light feedback of up to 1-2 paragraphs in length. We will follow a juried review process, so authors will be expected to reveal their identities.

Submissions to the Industry forum can be made via:

Review Criteria
Each abstract will be evaluated based on relevance to the topic. We encourage authors to share context on current challenges, strategies, and success stories from applying research in the real-world when implementing AI-based mobile apps.

Forum Activities
The accepted abstracts will be circulated to prepare the attendees for discussions at the forum. All authors of accepted abstract(s) will be required to attend the forum. All attendees are expected to have read the selected abstracts to be able to actively engage in group discussions.

During Forum
This 4-hour forum is divided into three sections:

Section 1: Author(s) of selected abstracts will share a 10-minute presentation. Each talk will be followed by 5-minute of Q&A
Section 2: Moderated panel discussion by academic and industry experts. This will include live Q&A incorporated within the discussion
Section 3: Group-based activities where the topics discussed during sections 1 and 2 are further explored Post-Forum We plan to compile a summary of selected abstracts and the discussions during the forum as an article in a digital venue.
We plan to compile a summary of selected abstracts and the discussions during the forum as an article in a digital venue.

Related Resources

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EDI 2025   The 8th International Conference on Emerging Data and Industry
ICMISI 2025   The 2nd IEEE International Conference on Machine Intelligence and Smart Innovation
ASCaNT 2025   2nd IEEE Conference on Advanced Supply Chain and New Technologies
ICMISI 2025   The 2nd IEEE International Conference on Machine Intelligence and Smart Innovation
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