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CPSIoT 2022 : 10th International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet-of-Things


When Jun 7, 2022 - Jun 10, 2022
Where Budva, Montenegro
Submission Deadline Feb 15, 2022
Notification Due Apr 15, 2022
Final Version Due May 15, 2022
Categories    cyber physical systems   internet of things   embedded systems   computing

Call For Papers

Technical topics
Green CPS and IoT
Secure, safe and dependable CPS and IoT
Self-aware, learning and adapting autonomous CPS and IoT
Effective and efficient CPS and IoT, and savings due to use of CPS and IoT

Enabling technologies for CPS and IoT

Energy-efficient high-performance computing platforms (advanced multi-/many-core processors, MPSoCs, SiPs, 3D-SOCs/ SiPs/PoPs, FPGAs) for CPS and IoT
Neuromorphic, in-memory, near-memory, and approximate computing for CPS and IoT
Development methodology, development platforms and automated tools for CPS, IoT, and for high-performance energy-efficient safe, secure and reliable embedded systems, hardware and software
(Smart) sensors, actuators and MEMS for CPS and IoT
Energy harvesting for CPS and IoT
(Big) data acquisition, storage, fusion, analysis, processing and management for CPS & IoT
(Mobile) vision, signal processing, (deep) learning and other AI for CPS and IoT
Safety, security, privacy, reliability and certification of complex heterogeneous networked systems
Multi-domain modelling, analysis, synthesis, simulation, integration, testing and validation of complex heterogeneous networked systems
Multi-objective and multi-domain co-design, trade-off exploitation and optimization of complex heterogeneous networked systems accounting for energy, performance, safety, security, reliability, etc.

Mobile, autonomous, wearable and implantable systems

Computing platforms, development platforms and automated design tools for high-performance energy-efficient mobile, autonomous, wearable and implantable systems
Development, run-time management and control of self-aware, self-managing, learning and adapting mobile, wearable and autonomous systems
AI-enabled mobile, wearable and autonomous systems
Energy-efficient sub-system arrangement, storage, communication and processing for big data from multiple complex sensors and other systems
Application/software modelling, analysis, parallelization and mapping for high-performance and low-energy embedded computing on massively-parallel (heterogeneous) computing platforms
Distribution of resources and computations in cloud, fog and edge computing for mobile, wearable and autonomous systems
Communication and collaboration of mobile, autonomous and wearable systems

Cloud, fog, dew and edge computing in CPS and IoT

Distribution of information and computations for CPS in cloud, fog, dew and edge computing accounting for real-time availability of information, guaranteed real-time reaction, security, safety, reliability, minimization of communication traffic, energy consumption, etc.
Edge computing in IoT for complex and demanding CPS applications
Advanced (heterogeneous) massively-parallel processor and MPSoC architectures for high-performance and energy-efficient edge computing
Real-time guarantees, security, safety and reliability of edge computing implemented with (heterogeneous) massively-parallel processor and
MPSoC architectures
Multi-objective management of parallel applications in embedded multi- and many-core systems, FPGA-based systems and heterogeneous
MPSoCs of edge computing
Coordinated edge, dew, fog and cloud computing for high-performance, energy-efficiency, and guaranteed real-time, security, safety and reliability run-time management and control of coordinated edge, dew, fog and cloud computing
IoT services, communication networks and 5G

Related Resources

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