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ESCSET 2022 : JISYS (OA) - Evolution of Smart Cities and Societies using Emerging Technologies


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Submission Deadline Mar 30, 2022
Categories    intelligent systems   smart cities   artificial intelligence   AI

Call For Papers


* Dr. Ashutosh Sharma, Institute of Computer Technology and Information Security, Southern Federal University, Russia
* Prof. Gennady Veselov, Institute of Computer Technology and Information Security, Southern Federal University, Russia
* Dr. Alexey Tselykh, Institute of Computer Technology and Information Security, Southern Federal University, Russia


City dwellers are naturally turning towards explicit advances to convey issues related to society, science, and emerging technology. The creating thought of Smart Cities extraordinarily bolsters this probability by propelling the joining of sensors and Big Data through the Internet of Things (IoT). This surge of data brings new possibilities in the intelligent design and management of smart cities towards a safe and comfortable, inclusive environment to live and work.

While Big Data getting ready through Artificial Intelligence (AI) can remarkably add to the urban surface, sensibility and liveability estimations at any rate ought not to be ignored for imaginative ones. As showed by the data dispersed by the UN, the all-out people will reach up to the farthest reaches of 9.7 billion preceding the completion of 2050. It is presumed that for all intents and purposes 70% of that people will be a urban masses with various urban zones satisfying over 10m tenants. As the number creates, we'll have to encounter challenges with respect to making a course of action for resources and imperativeness to the whole of the tenants and at the same time, keeping up a vital good ways from condition breaking down. Another fundamental test is association and the administrators to prevent sanitation issues, mitigate traffic stop up, route bad behaviour, etc.

Regardless, gigantic quantities of these issues can be stifled by the usage of AI-enabled IoT. Using mechanical progress to support the new experience for inhabitants can fill their hearts with bliss to-day living progressively pleasing and secure. This has offered to climb to sagacious urban territories. A smart city is a city that uses information and advances to improve the quality and execution of urban organizations (like essentialness and transportation), thusly reduces the usage of advantages, thwarts wastage, and by and large expenses. Splendid urban regions have ICT just as use development in a way that emphatically impacts the tenants.

Topics of interest to this special issue include, but are not limited to:
- A system of smart things (sensors, cameras, actuators, etc) for aggregation of data
- Smart parking and traffic management and application of virtual reality
- Improving the driving safety in urban communities and GIS mapping
- Smart Classrooms, Smart Agriculture, Smart Industries
- Tools and techniques to analyse and visualize aggregated data from sensors
- Data storage technique, getting insight into data
- Streaming data processor for aggregating data streams and distributing them to a data storage device and control applications
- Helping authorities get familiar with how individuals use urban areas
- Trust management schemes for smart cities using emerging technologies
- Security, privacy, and reliability of smart city applications using Edge Computing and Blockchain
- Big Data for better urban transportation networks and intelligent waste management

Smart Cities and Artificial Intelligence offers an intensive evaluation of how the smart city establishments are made at different scales through automated thinking headways, for instance, geospatial information, data examination, data portrayal, clever related things, and quick natural frameworks handiness. Progressing propels in electronic thinking attract us closer to making a persistent reproduced model of human-made and trademark structures, from urban regions to transportation establishments to utility frameworks. This continuous living model empowers us to all the bound to manage and improve these working structures, making them dynamically watchful. Keen Cities and Artificial Intelligence gives a multidisciplinary, joined procedure, using speculative and applied bits of information, for the evaluation of savvy city situations.


The submitted article must be original, unpublished, and not currently reviewed by other journals.

In the cover letter for each manuscript, authors must mention the Special Issue topic and the name of the Guest Editor, so he can be notified separately.

Please visit, and when submitting your paper please select the article type "EVOLUTION OF SMART CITIES AND SOCIETIES USING EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES".

We are looking forward to your submission!
In case of any further questions please contact:
Editorial Office -

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