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IPMC 2022 : Call-for-Papers IP&MC2022 Interdisciplinary-topics (VSI: IPMC2022 INTERDISCIPLINE) A Special Issue for Information Processing & Management (IP&M), Elsevier


When Oct 20, 2022 - Oct 20, 2022
Where Xiamen, China
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    information sciences   interdiscipline   inormation processing   artificial intelligence

Call For Papers

IP&MC2022 Interdisciplinary-topics (VSI: IPMC2022 INTERDISCIPLINE)

A Special Issue for Information Processing & Management (IP&M), Elsevier

Note: This special issue is a Thematic Track at IP&MC2022. For more information about IP&MC2022, please visit
Title of the Special Issue

Guest Editors

Name:Yanwu Yang (Managing Guest Editor)

University: Huazhong University of Science and Technology


Name: Chunjie Zhang

University: Beijing Jiaotong University


Name: Kang Zhao
University: The University of Iowa


Name: Qian Wang

University: Sun Yat-sen University


Name: Christophe Claramunt

University: Naval Academy Research Institute



This track at IP&MC2022 and a special issue in Information Processing and Management will publish cutting-edge original research at the intersection of information science, computing, artificial intelligence, economics, and social science concerning theory, methods, or applications in a range of domains, including but not limited to information science, information technology, management, advertising and marketing, energy, health, economics and social computing, and metaverse.

The track aims to serve the interests of primary researchers but also practitioners in furthering knowledge at the intersection of information science, computing, artificial intelligence, and social science by providing an effective forum for the timely dissemination of advanced and topical issues. The track is especially interested in original research articles, research survey articles, research method articles, and articles addressing critical applications of research.

Specifically, the track is interested in four types of manuscripts, which are:

Research manuscripts addressing topics at the intersection of information science, computing, artificial intelligence, and social science.
Methods manuscripts focusing on applying novel methods at the intersection of information science, computing, artificial intelligence and social science.
Review manuscripts assessing, in a critical and in-depth manner, a broad trend at the intersection of information science, computing, artificial intelligence, and social science, providing integration of the prior research, and recommendations for further work in the area.
Critical application manuscripts concerning system design research at the intersection of information science, computing, artificial intelligence, and social science.

We invite authors to submit their research work (including full-length, original, and unpublished research papers based on theoretical or experimental contributions and review studies), especially in areas of information science, information technology, management, advertising and marketing, energy, health, economics and social computing, and metaverse.
Possible Topics of Submissions

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

creation and analysis of evaluation methodologies for interdisciplinary topics of informatics, computing, statistical learning, artificial intelligence, and metaverse technologies in a range of application domains;
dimensions of the relationship between information, technology, and contextual changes;
implications and impacts of informatics, computing, statistical learning, artificial intelligence, and metaverse technologies;
models or algorithms with solid empirical validation of informatics, computing, statistical learning, artificial intelligence, and metaverse;
insights on the strengths and weaknesses of informatics, computing, statistical learning, artificial intelligence, and metaverse technologies;
relationships between theory, policy, and practice of informatics, computing, statistical learning, artificial intelligence, and metaverse technologies;
rigorous work of an empirical, experimental, or ethnographic nature in the fields of informatics, computing, statistical learning, artificial intelligence, and metaverse;
user studies yielding new insights into informatics, computing, statistical learning, artificial intelligence, and metaverse technologies;
literature surveys of existing work that propose a significant synthesis in informatics, computing, statistical learning, artificial intelligence, and metaverse;
the individual and the social, the cultural and the political dimensions of informatics, computing, statistical learning, artificial intelligence, and metaverse technologies.

Important Dates
Online submission system is open January 5, 2022
Thematic track manuscript submission due date; authors are welcome to submit early as reviews will be rolling June 15, 2022
Author notification July 31, 2022
IP&MC conference presentation and feedback October 20-23, 2022
Post conference revision due date, but authors welcome to submit earlier January 1, 2023
Submission Guidelines

Submit your manuscript to the Special Issue category (VSI: IPMC2022 INTERDISCIPLINE) through the online submission system of Information Processing & Management.

Authors will prepare the submission following the Guide for Authors on IP&M journal at ( All papers will be peer-reviewed following the IP&MC2022 reviewing procedures.

The authors of accepted papers will be obligated to participate in IP&MC2022 and present the paper to the community to receive feedback. The accepted papers will be invited for revision after receiving feedback on the IP&MC 2022 conference. The submissions will be given premium handling at IP&M following its peer-review procedure and, (if accepted), published in IP&M as full journal articles, with also an option for a short conference version at IP&MC2022.

Please see this infographic for the manuscript flow:

For more information about IP&MC2022, please visit

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