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EXPRESS/SOS 2022 : Combined 29th International Workshop on Expressiveness in Concurrency and 19th Workshop on Structural Operational Semantics


When Sep 12, 2022 - Sep 12, 2022
Where Warsaw, Poland
Submission Deadline Jun 1, 2022
Notification Due Aug 5, 2022
Final Version Due Aug 19, 2022
Categories    formal methods   programming languages   logic   software

Call For Papers

Scope and Topics

The EXPRESS/SOS workshop series aims at bringing together researchers interested in the formal semantics of systems and programming concepts, and in the expressiveness of computational models.
Topics of interest for this combined workshop include (but are not limited to):

* expressiveness and rigorous comparisons between models of computation (process algebras, event structures, Petri nets, rewrite systems)
* expressiveness and rigorous comparisons between programming languages and models (distributed, component-based, object-oriented, service-oriented)
* logics for concurrency (modal logics, probabilistic and stochastic logics, temporal logics and resource logics)
* analysis techniques for concurrent systems
* theory of structural operational semantics (metatheory, category-theoretic approaches, congruence results)
* comparisons between structural operational semantics and other formal semantic approaches
* applications and case studies of structural operational semantics
* software tools that automate, or are based on, structural operational semantics

We especially welcome contributions bridging the gap between the above topics and neighbouring areas, such as:

- computer security
- multi-agent systems
- programming languages and formal verification
- reversible computation
- knowledge representation


We solicit two types of submissions:

- Full papers of up to 15 pages excluding references
(presented at the workshop and included in the proceedings)
- Short papers of up to 5 pages excluding references
(presented at the workshop, but not included in the proceedings)

Submission is performed through the EXPRESS/SOS 2022 EasyChair server.

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