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JSA 2022 : journal-of-systems-architecture


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline Feb 5, 2022
Notification Due Nov 25, 2022
Final Version Due Nov 25, 2022
Categories    formal methods   verification   cyber-physical systems   parallel computing

Call For Papers

Formal methods emerged as an important area in computer science and software engineering about half a century ago. An international community is formed researching, developing and teaching formal theories, techniques and tools for software modeling, specification, design and verification. However, the impact of formal methods on the quality improvement of software systems in practice is lagging behind. This is for instance reflected by the challenges in applying formal techniques and tools to engineering large-scale systems such as Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), Internet-of-Things (IoT), Enterprise Systems, Cloud-Based Systems, and so forth. This special issue on Dependable Software Engineering solicits submissions describing theoretical results, tools, and applications, related to applying formal methods in improving the quality of computer software and systems.

The topics of interests include, but are not limited to:

Requirement’s specification and analysis
Formalisms for modelling, design and implementation
Model checking, theorem proving, and decision procedures
Scalable approaches to formal system analysis
Formal approaches to simulation, run-time verification, and testing
Integration of formal methods into software engineering practice
Contract-based engineering of components, systems, and systems of systems
Formal and engineering aspects of software evolution and maintenance
Parallel and multicore programming
Embedded, real-time, hybrid, probabilistic, and cyber-physical systems
Mixed-critical applications and systems
Formal aspects of service-oriented and cloud computing
Safety, reliability, robustness, and fault-tolerance
Dependability of smart software and systems
Empirical analysis techniques and integration with formal methods
Applications and industrial experience reports
Software tools to assist the construction or analysis of software systems

All original manuscripts that fit within the scope are welcome.

Submission Details:

General information for submitting papers to JSA can be found at Submissions should be made online at Please select the “VSI:SETTA2021” option as the type of the paper during the submission process. Please direct all enquiries regarding this SI to Wenhui Zhang.

JSA has adopted the Virtual Special Issue model to speed up the publication process, where Special Issue papers are published in regular issues, but marked as SI papers. Acceptance decisions are made on a rolling basis. Therefore, authors are encouraged to submit papers early, and need not wait until the submission deadline.

Related Resources

DSA 2025   The 12th International Conference on Dependability Systems and Their Applications
CAV 2025   37th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification
ACM SAC 2025   40th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing
SPIN 2025   31st International Symposium on Model Checking Software
ICSNC 2025   The Twentieth International Conference on Systems and Networks Communications
TASE 2025   19th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering
IJIBM 2025   IJIBM 2025 : Call For Papers - International Journal of Information, Business and Management
SIMULTECH 2025   15th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
ICSOFT 2025   20th International Conference on Software Technologies
TASE 2025   19th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering