posted by organizer: mjoye || 2506 views || tracked by 1 users: [display] 2022 : 1st Annual Conference on Fully Homomorphic Encryption


When May 29, 2022 - May 29, 2022
Where Trondheim, Norway
Submission Deadline Mar 7, 2022
Notification Due Apr 15, 2022
Categories    cryptography   security   privacy   encryption

Call For Papers

First envisioned in the late seventies, the first realization for fully homomorphic encryption only came three decades later. Fully homomorphic encryption has since been an active research topic. The conference aims at being the premier forum gathering researchers, technologists and practitioners working on the design, development, deployment, validation, and applications of fully homomorphic encryption.

The program committee is seeking original contributions on all aspects of fully homomorphic encryption. Submissions across a broad range of the development phases are encouraged, from exploratory research and proof-of-concept studies to practical applications and deployment of fully homomorphic encryption and related technologies. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

- Fully homomorphic encryption and its applications
- Efficient and secure implementations of cryptographic algorithms
- Software for fully homomorphic encryption
- Hardware architectures for fully homomorphic encryption
- Compilers for fully homomorphic encryption
- Physical attacks and countermeasures
- Secure applications using fully homomorphic encryption
- Security of encrypted computing and applications
- Cryptographic protocols for privacy-preserving systems
- Formal modeling and formal proofs for encrypted computing
- Validation and certification of fully homomorphic encryption

For further information, please refer to the website:

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