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CPI 2022 : International Conference on Integrated Design and Production


When May 10, 2022 - May 12, 2022
Where ENSAM, Mohammed V University, Rabat
Submission Deadline Jan 15, 2022
Notification Due Mar 1, 2022
Final Version Due Mar 10, 2022
Categories    industrial instrumentation   computing and data-driven   mechanical engineering   health and bioengineering

Call For Papers

The aim of this conference launched 21 years ago, is to support integrating approaches of production at the conceptual, methodological and technical levels and to promote a dialogue between members of the international innovative academic and industrial community.
This conference will emphasize on current research aiming at the best control and integration of the activities related to the product life cycle.

Your participation in the CPI 2022 edition will allow you :
- To gain in-depth product knowledge, implementation strategies, and industry trends
- To build relationships with colleagues specialized in all aspects of design and production
- To share your experiences and lessons learned with other experts
- To discover innovative solutions to improve performance

- ENSAM Rabat - Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Métiers Rabat
- Arts et Métiers Paris
- ENIS - Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Sfax

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
TOPIC1: Industrial Instrumentation, measure and metrology
TOPIC2: Industrial engineering and digital factory
TOPIC3: Computing and Data-Driven Digital Industry
TOPIC 4: Mechanical engineering and Mechatronics
TOPIC5: Process and Integrated Manufacturing
TOPIC6: Integrated Design
TOPIC7: Health and Bioengineering
TOPIC8: Additive Manufacturing
TOPIC9: Embedded systems, control and modeling
TOPIC10: Integrated Energy production and management

- Submission deadline: January 15, 2022. (
- Acceptance notification: March 1st, 2022
- Camera Ready submission deadline: March 10th, 2022
- Registration: March 26th, 2022

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