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ICACGA 2022 : International Conference of Advanced Computational Applications of Geometric Algebra


When Oct 2, 2022 - Oct 5, 2022
Where Denver, Colorado
Submission Deadline May 15, 2022
Notification Due Jul 30, 2022
Final Version Due Aug 30, 2022
Categories    geometric algebra   cryptography   information technology   information security

Call For Papers

The First International Conference on Advanced Computational Applications of Geometric Algebra (ICACGA) seeks submissions that successfully bridge sound mathematical descriptions with practical computational applications that reflect and address the current interests and needs of industry. ICACGA invites original and unpublished contributions of Geometric Algebra (as well as Clifford algebra, quaternions, and octonions) applied in areas including (but not limited to):

Image and Signal Processing
Edge Computing
Heterogeneous systems
Data encoding, storage, and transmission
Network and graph computing
Computer graphics
Data visualization
Geometric Deep Learning
Security and privacy
Data compression
Quantum computing
Navigation and GPS
GA implementations

Important Dates
October 1, 2021 Call for Papers
Winter Deadline
February 1, 2022 Paper Submission Deadline
April 15, 2022 Author Notification
May 10, 2022 Camera-ready deadline
Summer Deadline
May 15, 2022 Paper Submission Deadline
July 30, 2022 Author Notification
August 30, 2022 Camera-ready deadline
October 2-5, 2022 Conference

Industry professionals working with GPU processing, image/pattern recognition, artificial intelligence, security, and privacy, among other subjects who are interested in keeping up with the forefront of research and development in applied mathematics and related disciplines and applications in Physics, Engineering, and Computer Science.

Academic researchers interested in computational applications of multidimensional hypercomplex algebras targeting data representation, data compression, efficient algorithms, massive parallelism, machine learning, computer graphics, quantum computing, cryptography, among other subjects.

Government individuals involved with research in science and technology, grant funding opportunities, incubation programs, smart cities programs, and other areas who can rapidly propagate innovation in society and significantly benefit from next-generation technologies powered by novel mathematical constructs.

Three awards given to the best papers submitted to the conference.
Best Paper Award: GA Applied to Cryptography
Best Paper Award: Industry-ready GA-based novelty
Best Paper Award: GA Applied to Computational Performance

All submissions must be received by 11:59 PM anywhere on Earth (UTC -12) on the day of the announced deadline. Candidate papers must be original, unpublished, and cannot be simultaneously in submission process with any other venue with proceedings.

Submissions must be anonymous. If a submission is not properly anonymized, it will be automatically rejected without review. To ensure that all papers are properly anonymized, please refer to the following:

No author names or affiliations should be included in the title page.
Figures and appendices should be thoroughly reviewed by authors to ensure that affiliations are not mistakenly included.
Refer to previous work in the third person. Blinding references is acceptable if a third-person reference is not feasible.
Papers should not exceed 12 pages, including bibliography and appendices. Authors must apply Springer conference paper templates, which can be found in the author’s instruction page:

All other information relevant to both volume editors and contributing authors regarding our LNCS series print and electronic publication process can be found at:

Registered conference participants will receive temporary free access to the online version of the conference proceedings on SpringerLink ( by means of an individual token.

Post-conference extended and more advanced ICACGA 2022 papers can be submitted to a topical collection (TC) of the journal Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras (AACA), published by Birkhauser, and should have been orally presented at the conference. See the “Instruction for Authors” at AACA. Standard quality and review requirements of AACA will be observed.

To have their submissions qualified as extended papers, authors must provide new results and discussions not present in the conference paper, including proofs of theorems/propositions or additional algorithms and/or analysis of algorithms not given previously. The extended portion of the AACA submission must correspond to at least 30% of the conference paper with a recommended length of ~18-20+ pages.

Online paper submission deadline will be announced soon. At the time of submission, authors must indicate the topical collection “TC ICACGA 2022”.

Authors are asked during the submission process to identify all members of the Scientific Committee who have an automatic conflict of interest (COI) with the submission. A reviewer and an author have an automatic COI if:

one was the thesis advisor/supervisor of the other
they have shared an institutional affiliation within the last two years
they have published two or more joint authored works within the last three years
they are relatives
It is the responsibility of all authors to report any pertinent COI information. Submissions with incorrect or incomplete COI reporting may be rejected without consideration.

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