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The Armed Conflict on the Dniester 2022 : The Armed Conflict on the Dniester: Political and Social Implications for the Republic of Moldova


When Nov 15, 2021 - Dec 15, 2021
Where Bucharest, Sibiu
Abstract Registration Due Dec 15, 2021
Submission Deadline Mar 25, 2022
Final Version Due Jun 15, 2022
Categories    recent history   military history   diplomacy   political sciences

Call For Papers

The Laboratory for Transnistrian Conflict Analysis (Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu) and the Balkan History Association invite scholars from all ranks to submit abstracts on topics regarding: 1) the political and geopolitical causes of the war; 2) evaluations of documentary sources and partial analyses; 3) quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the combat forces: level of training; professionalism of the command structures; tactics, weapons, and equipment; 4) the specifics of the organization and action of the paramilitaries; 5) reconstitution of relevant military operations; 6) the interests of international actors and their political and military actions; 7) political/patriotic capitalization of the facts of war. We encourage applicants to propose their own criteria and use intensive interdisciplinary methodologies.

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