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MDM 2022 : IEEE MDM 2022 - The 23rd IEEE Intl. Conference on Mobile Data Management (Workshops)


When Jun 6, 2022 - Jun 9, 2022
Where Coral Beach Hotel, Paphos, Cyprs
Submission Deadline TBD

Call For Papers


IEEE MDM 2022 - The 23rd IEEE Intl. Conference on Mobile Data Management

Coral Beach Hotel & Resort, Paphos, Cyprus (hybrid format)

June 6 – 9, 2022

Submission Deadline: December 3, 2021!
(see submission instructions below)

Several workshops will be held together with the IEEE MDM’22 conference.
Workshops are planned to take place on June 6, 2015, the day before the
main conference, each of them running anywhere between half a day and
a full day.

The logistics of the workshops will be handled by the MDM 2022
organization. Specifically, MDM 2022 will take care of facilities,
catering, and the registration process pertinent to all hosted workshops.

The organizers of accepted workshops are required to announce the
workshop and call for papers, solicit submissions, invite and coordinate
with PC members to ensure that controversial submissions are resolved,
and decide upon the final workshop program that must be published at
least two weeks before the early registration deadline. In addition,
each workshop must collaborate with the Proceedings Chair for the
purpose of ensuring timely completion of the camera-ready copies before
March 25, 2022, when official conference proceedings are due. A workshop
paper is allowed up to 6 proceedings pages.

Publication of call-for-papers and participation as well as eventual
workshop reports in various outlets are encouraged.

Proposal evaluation criteria include the following: relevance to MDM,
scientific quality, perceived interest and past performance (e.g., previous
submission counts and/or workshop participants), and overlap with other

Submission Guidelines:
Proposals need to include the following:

– Title and Acronym for the workshop.
– Concise description of the workshop scope/theme along with a
(tentative) list of topics.
– Names and contact info for the organizers.
– Preliminary list of (potential) PC members.
– Important milestones for the workshop (e.g., announcements, submission).
– Proposed duration (half-day or full-day workshop).
– Bio-sketches of the organizers.
– If the organizers have had such/similar workshops held in the past,
a brief history-description.

Please submit the workshop proposals as a PDF attachment to the following
email address: ( A verification response will be returned
for each submission.

* Workshop Chairs *
+ Takahiro Hara (hara [at]
Department of Multimedia Engineering
Osaka University Osaka 565-0871, Japan

+ Nikos Mamoulis (nikos [at]
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of Ioannina Ioannina 45110, Greece

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