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ENHANCE 2022 : Enabling Technologies and Dependability in Cyber-Physical Systems


When Jun 20, 2022 - Jun 20, 2022
Where Budapest, Hungary
Submission Deadline Mar 31, 2022
Notification Due Apr 18, 2022
Final Version Due May 9, 2022
Categories    IOT   dependabilty   big data   artificial intelligence

Call For Papers

** ENHANCE - Enabling Technologies and Dependability in Cyber-Physical Systems **

** ENHANCE @ HiPEAC 2022 **

This workshop is part of a three day segment in HiPEAC 2022 ( with spotlights
on bridging between contributing communities of Cyber-Physical Systems. Comprising ENHANCE, FORECAST & STEADINESS, the
Segment overview is presented in the programs tab.

ENHANCE encourages participation from enabling technology communities including IoT, AI and Big Data. Product-side and
market influencers, such as from product-lines and policy making, are also invited to participate.


Cyber-physical systems (CPS) have been adopted in many industrial sectors thanks to development of several new enabling technologies both on software and hardware side. Examples of topics advancing CPS are: Artificial Intelligence, model-driven software engineering, formal modelling and verification, wireless communication, novel embedded and Edge controllers. These technologies are evolving at a fast pace. Nonetheless dependability is a “must have” requirement and we must prove that the CPS life cycle is always compliant with it. As CPS become more prominent across the globe, building trustworthy CPS and CPS of Systems (CPSoS) is paramount.

Therefore, the workshop seeks novel submissions describing practical and theoretical cutting-edge solutions to advance the design and implementation of CPS and formal evidence that they are trustworthy. Hence, papers that are pertinent to the following
topics are all welcome:

* IoT, IIoT and dependability: IoT systems are a class of systems that use the internet as the backbone technology.
- In this topic, papers related to bridging best of security research and IoT and IIoT are encouraged, Ex: Authentication
and Authorization in IoT. The Time-Sensitive Networking task group of the IEEE 802.1 working group is adding new capabilities,
especially bridging wired and wireless devices. Papers related to this topic and its impact on dependability are encouraged.
* Software Engineering methods for dependable CPS: the amount of software in CPS is growing and the key factor defining its functionality.
- In this topic, papers related to reducing the software engineering effort while at the same time ensuring quality for dependable
CPS are encouraged. However, treating the software in isolation would be short sighted. Therefore model driven approaches addressing
cross domain concerns of CPS are as well encouraged.
* Artificial Intelligence and dependability: AI and CPS now go hand in hand. One cannot exist without the other.
- In this topic, papers related to explainability and dependability analysis of AI algorithms in the area of CPS will be considered.
Another topic of special interest is distributed/swarm intelligence. Flexibility requirements have become key to CPS in Industry 4.0
context and papers related to learning the behavior and adapting to flexible factories, based on ML based agents are encouraged.
* Big Data and dependability: Data is now available in abundance, for example, AI algorithm training data.
- Papers related to use of big data to construct models for use in dependability analysis are encouraged. Process mining is one such
example, which can be used to link model-based process analysis and data-oriented analysis techniques.


- A 2 page extended abstract or a 4-page work in progress papers are invited. A work in progress must include some initial results. Use
the instructions at for preparing your paper. You can find LaTeX templates for arxiv
- In the submission system, under the “Topics” option, please select only 1 option, Select ENHANCE to submit to this workshop.
- Please submit your papers at
- The 2 page papers will be only for presentation at the workshop and 4-page accepted papers will also be published as an indexed proceedings
on arxiv.


- Submission date: March 31
- Review dates: April 01 - 15
- Confirmation date: April 18
- Final version date: May 9

** AGENDA **

- 10.00 Welcome with key note speech and general discussion on CPS.
- 11.00 Refreshments
- 11.30 Enabling technologies bridging to dependability.
- 13.00 Lunch
- 14.00 Podium Discussions and World Cafe session
- 15.30 Refreshments
- 16.00 Paper & Project presentations


- Session chaired by: Alois Zoitl (JKU) & Sandeep Patil (LTU)
- Papers review led by: Valeriy Vyatkin (LTU)


This workshop is supported by the 1-SWARM and Arrowhead Tools projects:
- The 1-SWARM project ( was launched 01-01-2020 has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no.: 871743 (Call: H2020-ICT-2019-2).
- The Arrowhead Tools project ( was launched 01-05-2019 has received funding from ECSEL Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 826452. The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and Norway and Switzerland.

Related Resources

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