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HuCMaC 2022 : Workshop on Computational Approaches to Human and Machine Creativity


When Mar 15, 2022 - Mar 15, 2022
Where Online, Uppsala, Sweden
Submission Deadline Feb 13, 2022
Notification Due Feb 27, 2022
Final Version Due May 16, 2022
Categories    digital humanities   NLP   computer science   computational creativity

Call For Papers

The Workshop on Computational Approaches to Human and Machine Creativity will co-locate with DHNB 2022. The proceedings of the workshop will be published as a separate volume with the main conference proceedings in CEUR-WS. The workshop will take place online on the 15th of March 2022.

The focus of the workshop is computational study of creativity. This covers both human and computational creativity, and in particular their intersection: human-computer co-creativity. Possible topics include but are not limited to:

- Computational approaches to analysis of creative language, music, metaphors, art etc.
- Automatic generation of creative output such as poetry, paintings, songs etc.
- Digital humanities approaches to studying creative behavior in humans
- Approaches to human-machine co-creativity
- Theories and formalizations of computational creativity
- Automatic evaluation of creativity
- Mitigating the great misalignment problem in human evaluation
- Simulated approaches to creative societies

Creativity takes many shapes and forms, and it can be understood in many different ways. For this reason, please interpret this call in a broad sense. We are interested in receiving both digital humanities motivated and computer science motivated submissions.

We solicit original and unpublished work related to computational approaches to human creativity and computational creativity. Short papers must be at least 5 pages in length and long papers must be at least 10 pages. Both submission formats can have an unlimited number of pages for references. All submissions must follow the CEURART stylesheet (two columns). We don’t accept submissions that consist of an abstract only.

The submissions must be anonymous and they will be peer-reviewed by our program committee. The peer review is double blinded. Papers must be submitted using EasyChair by the workshop deadline. At least one of the authors of an accepted paper must register for the main conference and present the paper.

Accepted papers (short and long) will be published in the HuCMaC workshop proceedings that will appear in the CEUR-WS as a separate volume of the DHNB 2022 proceedings.

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