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CFP, Radio & Audio Media 2022 : CFP, Radio & Audio Media, Popular Culture Association 2022, Seattle


When Apr 13, 2022 - Apr 16, 2022
Where Seattle, Washington, USA
Abstract Registration Due Nov 14, 2021
Submission Deadline Nov 15, 2021
Notification Due Dec 1, 2021
Final Version Due Apr 13, 2022
Categories    radio studies   audio media   podcasting   sound studies

Call For Papers



April 13-16, 2022, SEATTLE


We invite papers and presentations on all aspects of radio and audio media, including but not limited to: radio and audio media history; radio and audio media programs and content (music, drama, talk, news, public affairs, features, interviews, sports, college, religious, ethnic, community, low-power, pirate, etc.); podcasting (news, public affairs, commentary, drama, branded content); new audio media (internet radio, streaming audio, etc.); audio social media (Clubhouse, Twitter Spaces, Reddit Talk, etc.); radio literature studies; media representations of radio and audio media; rhetorical research; legal and regulatory policy; economics of radio and audio media; and radio and audio media technology. We welcome U.S., international, or comparative works and media presentations. Papers or presentations should be planned for no more than fifteen minutes. We encourage you to emphasize audience involvement and elicit stimulating questions and discussion.

Submit your paper or presentation proposal to
The proposal will include an abstract of 200 words and paper or presentation title, institutional affiliation, and email address. In order to submit a paper or presentation proposal, your PCA membership must be valid for 2021-2022.

The firm deadline for submissions is November 15, 2021. Early bird registration opens October 1, 2021, and ends December 15, 2021. The area chair welcomes inquiries about possible papers or proposals for sessions.

There will be a strict limitation of one presentation per person for this conference. All presenters must register for the convention and be a member of either PCA or the ACA. Pre-registration for the meeting is required in order for participants to have their names listed in the conference program.

If your paper is accepted, you will receive an acceptance letter, registration information, the information you will need to join the PCA/ACA, and the conference hotel information. For more information on the PCA/ACA, please visit

Address inquiries to:

Matthew Killmeier, PCA/ACA Radio and Audio Media Area Chair, Dept. of Communication and Theatre, Auburn University at Montgomery, 334-244-3950 (work) 207-317-7693 (mobile)

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